Friday, May 20, 2011

Reflections on shit

Well, well, well. I see that you snuck those jalapeno chips into the back of the photo, perhaps hoping that I would not notice that you had bought the ONE BRAND I (implicitly) TOLD YOU NOT TO! I see how much you listen to me. What's next mate? All those other things I told you not to do?!? Like, some things I have no doubt recommended against!?

What did you think of them, anyway? Was I too harsh on them? Did you like their dirty flavour?

It's funny you got shat on by a pigeon. I mean, obviously it is funny, right? Am I right? But also funny because LB just got shat on by a bird the other day! SHIT TWINS!!! I can't remember the details really. I feel like we were sitting somewhere. In a park? And it shat on his leg. I know this is not much of a story, but if I could remember more about it I bet it would be HILARIOUS! So please feel free to laugh, y'all.

Do you think that listening to 'Empire State of Mind' in NYC is the same as wearing an 'I heart NY' t-shirt?

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