Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One of the very best things

I just listened to that radio interview and I found it so delightful, even though it is such a sad topic. And even though I agree with everything that you said about the Phil Collins segment of the radio interview, how heartbreaking is the bit afterwards when the little girl writes to the mayor asking him for advice because her parents are divorcing? I can't think of a more heartbreaking and adorable thing I have heard!Even though I really badly want to describe it here I am not going to, because readers, you should all do yourselves the favour of listening to this delightful thing.

You know, that radio interview makes me think about a lot of things. Breaking up, awesome songs, how hard it is being a little kid because things are simple when you are little, but the world is not simple and this can lead to some serious difficulties. But the thing that it makes me think most of all is how much I love the radio, and how I hope that the air is always filled with it's waves. While I often say I am never going to get sick of things and then I do get sick of them (like the time I was lying on a hammock in Mexico and I told KJ I would never get sick of it but after an hour or two I started to feel queasy) I think I can confidently say I am never ever ever going to get sick of listening to people talking on the radio.
It really is one of the best things.

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