Thursday, June 23, 2011

Another penguin post

I know what you mean about penguins. They are both adorable and a little sad. This one time I went to an aquarium in Osaka and there were plenty of penguins there. They just stared up at the fake snow falling on them. Or maybe that happened in Happy Feet, seeing as my photographic evidence only kind of supports my memory.

Either way, it was a little sad.

Mind you, not nearly as sad as the polar bears I saw at the zoo in Tokyo a week later when it was about 30 degrees.

Anyways, I wouldn't worry too much about Werner's penguin facing certain death because:

i) Seriously I love the 'Zog, but how can you take anything he says seriously after that wonderful Where's Waldo reading;

ii) Werner is German, it's probably practically impossible for him not to imbue everything he sees with some sort of existential angst;

and iia) technically we all are heading towards certain death;

iii) Haven't you seen Happy Feet? Pingu's going to be ok.

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