Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Too much of a good thing.


But don't feel bad. Even though I totally elaughed my head off at you (arguably with you) in cyberpublic (and actually laughed my head off in real privacy). As if I know how much is enough! I make this mistake all the time. With cheese. With alcohol. With Kanye West tracks. I don't know when to stop.

When I lived in Japan I used to dream about Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters all the time. Like they were my friends. As if being absent from my actual friends was somehow being channelled into dreams about Buffy because I had watched so much of it I would dream about those guys as if they were my friends. Get it?

Is this about not being able to self-limit or not being able to draw a line between fantasy and reality. I am not sure exactly, but either way I am beginning to wonder if some sort of professional intervention is needed. Oh well. I'm sure I am fine. Back to you mate.

Look, the space between waking and reality is a hazy one. You know how sometimes you have a dream and then you can't remember if that thing actually happened or not? Or you are stuck with a feeling you had in the dream all day long as if whatever was going on in your head went on in reality. Sleepy time is fuzzy time mate. Anyway, it's lucky that it was dark in your bedroom so Ira didn't have to see you blushing when he came to bed.

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