Friday, November 4, 2011

What's Funny This Week (PM)

HOW HARD CAN IT BE?! HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, that is a real good one!

Hey, you know what is not that funny? IMing on FB with your BF when one of you is drunk and thinks everything she says is hilarious while the other is miserable. Whoopsie.

But you know what is worse, this week has been relatively unfunny.

God, if only this was last week! I could have talked about how I finally listened to this hilarious Jimmy Fallon interview on Fresh Air while I was on the train and it made me laugh so hard but because I was on the train I was trying not too and laugh and, well, you know how that goes. Anyway people, if this was “What was funny last week” I would definitely urge you to listen to it.

Also if this was last week I could have posted that Duck Sauce clip. Hilarious!

So I was totally at a loss and then on my lunch break I walked past a bumper sticker that had a picture of a sun punching the air under the slogan “Solar not nuclear”. And it was pretty funny. The sun! Punching the air! I felt a bit weird about photographing someone's bumper sticker. Luckily this  guy didn't think it was so funny.

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