Friday, November 18, 2011

What's funny? (PM)

But boy mate, you have raised some really interesting questions. Yes, it is true that slipping on a banana peel is hilarious. And monkeys would be doing that shiz all the time. It must be hilarious up in them trees. But you know what else I bet monkeys love. Farts. I mean, I tend to think of myself as a fairly middle- to high-brow person with a matching sense of humour. But sometimes farts are just really funny. In fact just writing this I am losing my shit a little bit. With hysteria guys! Not literally! Though I guess that would be funny. And gross. It is highly inappropriate because I am at work and trying to look professional. But that is really hard while trying to stifle near-hysterical laughter at the thought of fart jokes.

God, there are so many hilarious things out there. Things I should probably not find so funny. Like the other day when it sounded like Baby was calling me a not very nice name that begins with a C. You know the one, even if you don’t like to say it. I don’t have a problem with it. And neither does Baby apparently. Oh, I could not stop laughing so he just kept saying it and looking so proud of himself.

That coochi-coochi-coo tickle game seems much more appropriate so I am going to try to stick with that from now on.


  1. You know what else is funny? Cannabis forums. Sometimes at work I plug how I'm feeling into Google. Just to feel less alone, you know? So today I typed in "so zapped". I've been pumping a lot of iron/doing lots of sport lately and I'm quite sore and tired. So I typed in "so zapped" and it came up with things like this:

    It was like watching one of those America dude stoner comedies. Exactly like it. But a bit sad too because maybe these people are real.

    Hey, also, what are you going to call Baby when he's not a baby anymore. Like when he's 15, getting himself zapped and you're blogging about it?

  2. HAHAHAH. That is so funny. I just smoked from a glass bong! I can't wait for my ice cold steel one! HAHAHAHAH! Sad.

    Also, I have no idea what you are talking about. Baby, getting high on the mary-jane? I don't think so.
