Monday, December 5, 2011

Things that blow my mind - Nose jobs (AM)

A little while ago I was hanging out on thinking about things I might like to buy and thought that Dirty Dancing would be a great addition to my meagre DVD collection. So I found a copy for eight bucks and added it to my cart but then I decided that I couldn't just buy every damn thing that popped into my head so I left Amazon without spending a cent. Then, a couple of weeks ago I was back on Amazon buying some books, which seemed like a totally legitimate thing to be doing, and when I got to the virtual checkout Dirty Dancing was still in my virtual cart and I decided, what the hell, I'm getting that bad boy.

So it arrived and I put it on the shelf thinking about how sweet it would be when I really felt like watching that movie and I would just be able to! Then on Saturday night I was home alone with a sleeping baby and I realised that I hadn't even checked if the DVD was region sensitive so I thought I really better just make sure it worked on my DVD player.

When I put it in the player the menu came up so that seemed like a good sign, but to be sure I pressed play. Now this is some anniversary edition or something and there is an 'introduction' by Jennifer Grey ('Hi, I'm Jennifer Grey, I hope you enjoy Dirty Dancing') now I know we all know that J.Grey got a nose job and looks totally different now, but, shit you guys she looks so different now.


Luckily for all of us she doesn't get a lot of work so we don't have to remember her nose job too often, that's why it was such a rude reminder when I saw it on Saturday night.

Can you imagine looking a way for all your life and then waking up one day and looking like a totally different person!? I cant/don't want to even imagine! Now if that isn't a mind bender I don't know what is!


  1. Nose surgery is a common surgical procedure performed on people who are not satisfied with their overall appearance of their nose or sometimes performed if functional disorders, such as deviated septum, difficulty breathing etc.

    nose job

  2. Patients seek revision rhinoplast when there is a complication resulting from the first procedure which affects the nose’s aesthetic and function.

    Rhinoplasty Melbourne
