Monday, December 12, 2011

Anticipating Christmas (PM)

I also love the anticipation of Christmas. I actually tend to enjoy Christmas day generally. I like spending time with my family and I enjoy spending time with LB’s family. But I do hate how my family gathering is overshadowed by the fact that we always have to leave earlyish to get to LB’s family gathering. I don’t like how this usually also means a long drive. And it is a total bummer that I am always super full from my family gathering but still need to eat at the next one. So I guess you are right, Real Christmas is not as good as Anticipated Christmas.

Anticipated Christmas is awesome. I always have a clean house on Real Christmas Eve, and it has that special Christmas clean feel about it. I want to watch films like Sleepless in Seattle (gross me the fuck out – I don’t know what happens to me). I like buying presents for people, even more since the introduction of KK into both families means you only have to buy a few gifts making it a pleasant not stressful experience.  

I like how the love for your friends and family increases, and how this kind of remains in the lead up to New Year’s as well. I love the love. I love how there is a certain buzz in the air.  

But then you have Christmas and the next day the sky is always grey and you feel fat and oily from all the food. So hells yeah! Let’s just anticipate the shit out of Christmas while we can.

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