Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Easter limerick (PM)

It's great JC got resurrected
Though I suspect he was quite affected
His BF's betrayal
Must have hurt more than nails
The wounds from which were probably infected

The Easter limerick (or Thanks for the super long weekend)(AM)

There once was a guy called JC
First he died then said 'Dad, resurect me!'
He went down on a Friday
Came back on a Sunday
Thanks for organising it so conveniently!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mo' limerick mo' problems (PM)

Limericks seemed like a good idea at the time
But everyday gotsta come up with new rhyme
It's harder than you think
In fact this idea stinks
I'm outta here, gonna enjoy the sunshine

Mo limerick mo problems (AM)

I'm neither here nor there about easter
I ain't much of a religious feaster
But I love hot cross buns 
like a babe loves its Mums
There's an actress that's called Leighton Meester. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wanna be startin' something (PM)

Don't worry Mate, after the amount of food we put away last night, I'm not expecting you to be inventive. 

Today is the day they call Tuesday
I checked and it's definitely Tuesday. 
This day's going slower
Than watching grass grower
Or listening to songs by Mike Buble. 

Wanna be startin' something (AM)

Started the week with the best of intentions
Then at Seder ate too much to mention
This week celebrates Easter 
And the birth of my sister
And your expecting from me something like invention?!

Monday, March 25, 2013

I don't even know what this is (PM)

It's a limerick mate, and it's GREAT!

Another girl ran fifteen k
Fell asleep in the middle of the day
When she woke up for work
Her body ached like a jerk
And her brain also had nothing to say

I don't even know what this is (AM)

There once was a girl who worked sunday
Had nothing to blog about Monday.
Thought hard, but in vain.  
Seems she has shit-for-brains
That poor little girl who worked Sunday.

Friday, March 22, 2013

I can see the future (PM)

I look exactly like my Mum too, so people say. Except she has had a Mum haircut and I have a regular haircut.
And now that you are shining a light on it, I guess I can't really deny the resemblance to my Dad. Stature-wise, more than anything. While Mum is little and spritely, Big K is what you might refer to as hulking and awkward and I'm certainly closer to that camp than I am the little and spritely camp. 

So I guess I have the face of my mother on the female version of the body of my father.  A true cross-breed. I hope my particular cross-breed will take off like the Labradoodle, who managed to make quite a go of it instead of one of those weird cross-breeds like a Pugalier, who just seem unhappy with what's been done to them. 

Why are people so unkind?
But when it comes to uniforms,  I am happy to say that I march to the beat of my own drum. Big K spends all his time in bowling whites and Mum wears sensible slacks and a freshly pressed colourful shirt every day. As if I could keep an all white outfit clean. And as if I would ever iron a shirt!

I can see the future (AM)

They say that if a man wants to know what a woman will look like in her old age they should look at her mother. They do not say you should look at a man's father to find out what he will look like, I don't know if that is because it is not true or because they think women don't care about such things. If they do say that it would definitely not be true of LB, dude looks exactly like his mother. And by exactly I mean EXACTLY. In 30 years he will probably look exactly how she looks now except only for the haircut and dresses. So perhaps the original sentence is true for everyone. If you want to know what any person will look like in the future look at their mother. I vividly remember the day I ran into The Notebook, I guess I hadn't seen him in a while and he said to me, "You look so much like your mother." I was in my early 20s so it was a little upsetting, no offence to my mother, I mean what 20-year-old wants to look 50?

And while there may be an increasing resemblance to my mother there is another increasing resemblance I am trying to deny but is overwhelmingly apparent to me.

If a person has ever come to my parental home, recently, in my childhood, ever, it is likely they have seen my dad in running shorts. That is because my dad basically always wears running shorts. And now I know why. Do you know how effing comfortable they are? They are basically the most comfortable thing in the world. Recently I went climbing with Russeth, it was one of those super hot days and I had left the house early in the day to do some things and I was not appropriately dressed for climbing. Believe me. So I bought some new running shorts. The 4-inch kind, which means they are far more modest than the regular kind. They were also the silky (polyester) moisture-wicking kind which my first pair weren't. On my way home after climbing I was sitting on the tram in the 35-degree heat and I was so comfortable, you could have turned the heat up a few notches. I was more comfortable than I had ever been in my life and I found myself wondering, "Is there anyway I could wear these on a day-to-day basis?" The answer came back to me, regretfully but overwhelmingly, "No!" And yet, I have found myself wondering this still. At home I find myself dressing for a run hours before I know I will go on one. On the hot days, especially those I don't intend to go far from home, I struggle against myself, wanting to wear what is essentially the uniform of my father. Running shorts, running shoes, a t-shirt. For now the better-dressed me is winning the fight, but who knows what will happen as I grow older and the inevitable parental resemblance strengthens. Poor LB wouldn't have considered that when he first met my parents.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday (PM)

HAHAHAHA! Pretty fly for a wifi! HAHHAHAHAHA! Oh, boy am I thankful you shared that, matey! That totally made my day!

While I think that the person who stole your hot water system is a total deebag (seriously, why would you eff up a person's Terrific Tuesday?!), you are so right, mate. We've got it pretty good. I am thankful that sometimes Disprin can fix a headache (yes, I had a headache earlier, now I just have that niggling heavy head thing one gets when they have a headache and have taken drugs that only just mask the pain - still better than the muthaucking headache).

And I'm thankful I did all my dishes last night. But I guess that's more about me being a really good friend to myself. Thanks, me.

Thankful Thursday (AM)

Someone stole my hot water unit on Tuesday. Terrific Tuesday, no less! Boy was I way off about that day. Though the shorts and stockings thing worked out really well, if I do say so myself.
Anyway, having no hot water come out of your tap for a few days really makes you grateful for living in a world where hot water usually comes out of a tap. We are so lucky you guys. I'm feeling the need to be thankful for this.
Also, I am feeling the need to be thankful for something else that happened. When I was in the grip of frustation over this hot water thievery situation, making a bunch of calls trying to sort it all out and generally feeling like I might lose it, something wonderful happened.
I was looking something up on my phone when that window popped up that tells you what wifi is available in the vicinity. This annoyed me, because I had shit to do and it was getting in the way of my shit. As I was closing the window I caught the name of the wifi service into who's zone I had stepped. It was called:
Pretty fly for a wifi.
And it was wonderful.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Passover questions (PM)

OK, passover questions. Here goes.
It's hard to know what to cook for a dinner party at the best of times, nevermind those that are held on holy days and come with dietary restrictions. 

And like I said when we were discussing this very issue over That Time of the Month dinner, the passover meal is all about symbolism, and I think there is scope to make a dish that is symbolic of the passover story. You know, something evocative of:
- wandering in deserts
- parting seas
- plagues

But who has the time to get all Heston's Feasts on the spread?
Sure, we've got the freedom (thanks to Moses) but no time.

Personally, I hope someone makes this thing called Brei. It's like an eggy matzo pancake/fritter type deal.  I think it could be the hot new dish this pesach. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Passover questions (AM)

Well, it's Pesach again. Not today, next Monday. And you know what that means! Miss Soft Crab turns two Jew years old! And also, everyone is thinking about food. Everyone, right? Of course Passover celebrates the freeing of the Jews from their enslavement in Egypt. You can read all about their hardships here. And while that is of course what we gather to celebrate on the 14th of Nisan every year, we gotta eat to right? And we gotta eat good. We're free now, we deserve it!

This year I am going to make the matzo crack that I have been making for the last couple of years. It is a very delicious recipe from Smitten Kitchen that involves slathering one side of matzo with caramelly toffee and the other side with chocolate.The sweet taste of freedom.

But then what? I want to make something delicious, I kind of want to make something traditional, but so much traditional Jew food is meaty. And if not meaty it's doughy and therefore not fit for passover. Although The Jewish Festival Cookbook does have a lot of recipes made with matzo. Including an apple matzo kugel which may be delicious. And Passover fruit fritters! What? Pass them over here, please! Then again that book also says that you are meant to open the Passover meal with egg soup, which involves everyone putting a boiled egg in a bowl, mashing it up and adding salt water to taste. Get the hell outta here with that crazy talk!

As you may imagine, on the savoury side that book is wanting. So then I think maybe traditional Jew food is not necessary, maybe just something delicious is all that is needed, but I feel like it would be good to strike a balance. Even the Internet barely seems to be cooperating, although Chickpea has said she is going to make vegetarian gefilte fish, and when I asked the Internet about this they did supply some delicious potatoey faux gefilte recipes. So that's her taken care of. I want to eat delicious food to celebrate my people's freedom, but what?!

Then again, maybe I should just chillax. There is always way too much food on the table anyway, then it ends up with being way too much food in my belly. God, I can't wait for the vegetarian chopped liver.

Terrific Tuesday (PM)

I LOVE TERRIFIC TUESDAY! Way to turn a regular Tuesday into a terrific one, mate! You know what else, on top of me trying to add to the terrificness of this day, the Universe is really helping out too. Here's how my terrific Tuesday is going and will continue to pan out. Hopefully.

Great weather

Have you guys looked outside today? Or better yet, been outside?! The sun is shining, there is a cool breeze but a warm sun. It is basically the best kind of day!

Running in my new shorts

Guy's my new gold trim Adidas running shorts that I ordered from the Internet arrived today! Way to make this Tuesday terrific Universe. And I am going to run the heck out of them!

Eat an egg salad sandwich

Sorry guys, I have to split because I have eggs on the boil and am about turn those babies (not babies, them eggs have not been fertilised) into an egg salad inspired by this one

Terrific Tuesday (AM)

I feel like having another Terrific Tuesday. No idea what I'm talking about? Read this you guys. It will make as much sense as can be made from within these crabby pages. I guess wanting to have another Terrific Tuesday is code for here I am in front of the computer on a Tuesday morning and I can't think what to write because I am too busy thinking about things I am going to do with my day.
Which, of course, are things I think will make this Tuesday terrific. Which is why I'm telling you about them. Two birds: one stone, people. (Hello to all our duck hunting readers this morning! I believe your season opened on the weekend.)

Ok enough of the small talk. Here is some of the terrific stuff in store for me today.

Drinking a bunch of coffee
It's a Terrific Tuesday tradition, so I might have even more than usual. I can tell you for sure that as soon as I finish writing this I am going to pick one up to drink on the tram on the way to work. Serve it up, lets go!

Experiment with wearing shorts to work. 
It's a risky move, the shorts at work look. But is it as risky if you wear stockings underneath them and a blazer? Or is it just slightly muddled? I'm going to find out today.

Diagnose my knee complaint with the help of the internet. 
We all love the internet. And we especially love it when the internet can be our Doctor. Well today, I am going to ask the internet why my right knee hurts so much when I bend it, particularly on the outer perimeter of the right side. I'm not going to stop until it tells me there's nothing wrong and if I give it a few days rest I can go back to dragging myself around Princes Park like a wounded duck in a wetland in March.
Wish me luck, readers.

Monday, March 18, 2013

What an awesome way to live (PM)

Who know's why people say the things they say. That's something the character of Adriana said on an episode of The Sopranos I watched last night....and I think it applies here today. While that woman definitely sounds stupid, maybe she just loves land so damned much that she can't imagine the semi-aquatic life being satisfying. Anyway. Like Adriana said, who knows why she said that really stupid thing? I shouldn't waste my time trying to figure it out.  Her loss. Being a land and water beast - having a bit each way -  would be the best way to live and that's all there is to it. 

And while I don't want to take anything away from the hippo, I was watching a David Attenborough show last night and discovered that the iguana can hold its breath under water for an hour. 
An hour!

The spirits are whispering to one of these iguanas. 

What an aesome way to live (AM)

Not actual hippo from Werribee Zoo

From what I can tell hippopotamuses are pretty cool. Yesterday I went to Werribee Zoo. It is a pretty cool zoo. You walk in and there, right in front of you, is an expanse of green and some gorillas just chilling. They are in an enclosure but it is designed in this great way so they feel right there. We saw lions ripping cow ribs from a cardboard box, giraffes frolicking in the faux savanna, an ostrich stuck his head in the bus and we saw some hippopotamuses. Eventually.

When we went to the hippo enclosure you couldn't really see anything. And then these eyes bobbed above the water. Later a whole head.

Hippos are semi-aquatic, they can hold their breath under water for 6 minutes.They spend all day in the water to keep cool then get out when it cooled down to eat. While we were watching the water to see these awesome dudes pop their heads up the woman next me said to her companion, "It's a pretty stupid way to live, really." Um, what?! Oh lordy! It is this kind of statement that makes me hate strangers. And I don't want to hate anyone, strangers or acquaintances, and yet sometimes I have no choice. Thanks a lot lady. Way to ruin my day.

So being able to live on land, but also essentially live in water is stupid? If you ask me it would be the motherflipping best way to live. The only way you could improve on that is to add wings, but there ain't no way a hippo gonna fly. Have you seen the size of those things?! Imagine living like a hippo. Sure, they may not have all the mod cons that we enjoy but they have it pretty sweet. Enjoy a refreshing dip all day long. Plus they are huge and super territorial so they are tough. And they can run fast, up to 30 miles an hour.

Did I mention that the hippos we saw were completely submerged. Completely! It was awesome, these huge animals hiding underwater! Just chilling. Literally. (HA!) That stupid lady next to me is the one living the stupid way, what with all her stupidity.

Friday, March 15, 2013

That time of the month: March (PM)

Cauliflower on more puree

That Time of the Month! What a great invention. An excuse to eat some food! Yes please!

So, was our dinner at Cutler & Co great? Great question. Well of course. Eating a delicious meal with a sister crab! No doubt. But what about the rest. I have to say that for me the meal started on a high and went steadily downhill to a slightly lesser high. And I think it was the dependence on purée. Ok, those crackers at the start had a smoked eggplant purée on them that was so fucking good. It was really good. It made me think 'I'm always going to eat eggplant like this'. High! The next thing I had, that rye cracker with smoked trout, horse radish and caviar-like not caviar called avruga was so good. All the delicacy and wonder you'd expect from a fancy restaurant. Then bonito on puréed avocado, which seriously detracted from the avocadoness. Delicious fish, but why not let the avocado shine?! Next I had the gnocchi on cauliflower on some purée. Come on McConnell, give the purée a rest. It was delicious and all, but lacked specialness.  It was kind of like the high-end equivalent of the vegetarian meal at the RSL. An afterthought.

Still, great night. I liked our waiter. I liked the wine, and of course I liked the food, and company, I just wish my mind could have been bent the whole meal through.

Chocolate yum things that came with the bill. Serve it up let's go!

That time of the month: March (AM)

Miss Soft Crab likes to eat. And to talk about what we eat. So far I'm not telling you anything you don't already know
But did you know that Miss Soft Crab likes to eat and then talk about it so much that we invented a whole new MSC feature that will ensure we have an extra excuse to go out and eat together regularly just in case (a) the fact that humans need to to eat to survive, and (b) we usually hang out once a week anyway somehow fail to facilitate our eating and talking about it together? You know we did, crabfans, and today is it's debut performance!
Welcome to Miss Soft Crab's first ever That time of the month, an account of a time we went to a place and ate some things and had some thoughts about it.
Ok, I hear your questions, readers.
Who cares?  you seem to be saying.
What makes this time of the month any different from all the other times of the month when you go eat and then talk about what you ate?
They're good questions, readers, and I see you've been boning up on your haggadah questions in anticipation of passover 2013.  Kudos!
The difference is regularity, people, now we are going to do this with some mother flipping regularity. And sometimes we are going to invite guests, members of the MSC community that you may like to get to know better, and what better way than over some tasty nosh during that time of the month?
Ok, enough of the intros, lets get down to business. Here we go. MSC's first ever That time of the month. 
So...where did we go? 
We went to Cutler and Co. on Gertrude street.

Why did we go there? 

We'd been there for one of the TOYS dinners which was pretty great, but not the full C&C Music Factory experience so we thought we'd revisit it, traditional style.
Who came? 
This time it was just me and J.

What went down? 

We basically talked non stop for three hours like people who have known one another for almost 25 years do, which is to say I have no idea what we talked about. I suspect the following topics came up: love, hate (just kidding, we don't hate anything), the future, the past, food, clothes, our hair, running, current affairs (just kidding).
What did we eat? Well. We ate well. We started with a kind of rice craker dabbed with smoky eggplant. That was just a little amuse bouche or something and I can tell you my bouche was pretty amused.

Next, I had a Coffin Bay oyster and J had smoked fish sandwiched between crackers, which gave her crazy hands.

For entree, we had the same thing. Bonito sashimi with radish and avocado puree.

J then had baked gnocchi with tallegio, sweet sweet delicious tallegio. I had veal with sweetbreads and parsley purree.
Finally, there was a cheese plate and a dessert that included strawberry sorbet and some other yummy things that I can't remember that well.

What did we drink? 

Some nice sangiovese and maybe a glass of dessert wine? Given I can't remember the dessert that well, I'm going to say yes, there was dessert wine.

What was the highlight? 
For me, the veal. The bonito was pretty special but strangely enough, the avocado didn't taste like avocado and it really ruined my buzz.

Phew. That was a lot of food. See you back here this arvo for special comments from J.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Have a told you lately that I love you? (PM)

My doona knows I love it because even in the middle of these hot heatwave nights I take it to bed and hug it a little instead of getting under it. I just love that beautiful baby so much that I don't want to spend any night without it.

But it's good to be back under it. So good that last night, one of the greatest things that can happen to a person happened to me. After going to sleep relatively early, I woke up, like I always do, at what I thought was about 5am and feeling like I could use another million hours in bed. I felt disappointed for a second because I knew that in a bit over an hour, my alarm was going to go off and I would have to get up. Then I dared to think....imagine if it is actually only 3am and I have heaps more time to sleep. I allowed myself the tiniest bit of hope and looked at the clock and was half past midnight.
I had the whole night's sleep ahead of me. I still can't believe it happened to me.

Have I told doon lately that I love you (AM)

Did everyone in Melbourne have a beautiful reunion with their doona last night? Lord knows I did! In case I have not made myself clear in the past, I love bed and I really love my doona. It is really the icing on the cake.

Oh, sure when I got into bed last night I was looking forward to a night where I didn't have to lie in such a way where my limbs weren't touching and I was pretty confident I would sleep through, like the proverbial baby, but not like any real baby, who are notorious for not sleeping through. I wrapped myself in doona, knowing I may kick it off in the night but was unlikely to awaken, as I had the previous two nights, from a dream where I was looking for a blanket or jumper, freezing, obviously because the fan was working too well in real life only to wake and find that the cold in the dream had been nothing but a dream and it was still hot as a mutha! Capiche? Neither!

In truth I have found the famous March heatwave of 2013 entirely manageable. Saturday was kinda unbearable, but the other days have been fine. I could barely believe Monday and Tuesday were over 36, they felt like nothing more than a classic 32, and who can't handle that?! But the nights, oh brother, the nights have hurt a bit. And yet, they were ok, just knowing this too shall pass. But I guess what I liked most about the end of the heatwave was getting back under dooney. My sweet, sweet dooney. Distance truly does make the heart grow fonder.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Strange baking: Vanilla and coconut cake truffles (PM)

Are you kidding me? You made a cake, smashed it up and mixed it up with icing just so you could taste some blonde balls?! Sister, you is crazy. I do not want to come down on a sister crab, I guess it's not your fault you can't resist the lure of a ball recipe. It's the recipe author that is the idiot here. There is nothing even interesting about that recipe. Sure, I love vanilla , but come on...

You know what is good about cake? Its cakiness. Usually its flavour, very occasionally its icing, but if its a good cake it is also its cakey texture and the whole thing about having a piece of it. Mmmmm, cake. To get blonde balls why wouldn't you just make your Grandma's snowball recipe but replace the cocoa with vanilla or lemon juice and zest or all of that. Now that could make for some delicious balls!

Strange baking: Vanilla and coconut cake truffles (AM)

When I was little, my grandmother used to always make a little something she called snowballs but were in fact akin to something you might know as 'truffles'.
I realise that's not a very helpful distinction, because a truffle can be something like this:


or like this:

What we're talking about here is the last kind of truffle. A treat made from crushed marie biscuits, butter, cocoa, condensed milk and coconut. She used to make those delicious bastards all the time, such that my school lunchbox pretty much always had little bits of coconut in the bottom. This is something I look back on very very fondly, and makes me wish I still got to eat them and that my handbag had little bits of coconut in the bottom, instead of tampons, information leaflets from tampon packets, and general bag detritus stuck to chewing gum stuck to loose change.
But I digress. The reason I tell you all of this is so you will understand why I sat up and took notice when I found this recipe the other day for Vanilla and coconut cake truffles.
I got excited thinking these truffles must be like a blonde version of the snowballs my grandma used to make, just as the blondie is the blonde version of the brownie and the white chocolate mud cake is the blonde version of the chocolate mud cake (Pickle made one once, it was delicious). But then I read the recipe and realised...what this is, is not a truffle. It is some kind of cake bite. This is basically crumbled up buttercake, mixed with vanilla buttercream icing, rolled in coconut.   
What the eff , people. What the eff??!!. Obviously I decided I had to make it immediately.  

It starts with making a whole cake. 
Then crumbling the whole thing up, and making vanilla buttermilk icing.

Then combining the two and making them in to little balls and, as you may have guessed, rolling them in coconut. 

All through this process I couldn't help thinking how idiotic it was. Making an intensely buttery cake only to destroy and then try to rebuild it with icing that really could have just gone on top with a sprinkling of coconut? Why would you do that? No really, why? I needed these blonde snowballs to be super delicious so the questions would stop.

Look, they were fine. But they are very very sweet. And they look so much like lemon slice that I found it disappointing that they didn't taste like lemon slice.

And they really needed to have some crushed marie biscuits involved somehow. They would have been so much better. I think I'm just going to make lemon slice next time. Or snowballs. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

About last night (PM)

Baby's first Led Zeppelin turns in to Mother's first disappointment. That's rough.
Give it another shot in a couple of years maybe. The kid has been listening to a lot of rave music at Chickpea's lately, right? It's hard for a 2 year old to shift genres like that. He'll come good though.

About last night (AM)

I've been thinking about Led Zeppelin a lot lately. I guess it is because Robert Plant is touring soon so there has been some exposure and then that old thing of exposure begetting more exposure... You know how it goes.

Also there is the fact that Led Zeppelin are one of the best bands of all time and I love them and every time I hear any of their songs I think, "WOW! This is the best song. I love Led Zeppelin! Why don't I listen to them more?!" When I was abut 18 I used to listen to them all the time. Actually it was exactly when I was 18. I know this because I know exactly why I started listening to them. But more on that another time.

So last night, I was watching a program about gay conversion therapy in the US. Possibly one of the most depressing and angering topics a program can be about and Baby was asleep on the couch. Towards the end he woke up, at least he opened his eyes and stirred and Zeppelin's 'Going to California' was playing. What a great song. I love this song.* So the show ended, we turned off the TV and Baby was still stirring, I gazed into his eyes, brushed his hair from his sweaty brow and sang to him, beautifully, lovingly, 'Someone told me there's a girl out there with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair' and Baby looked at me and cried, literally CRIED "STOP! STOP SINGING!"


*If I were, say, an editor, if I ever, ever saw a word italicised for emphasis I would get infuriated, curse the author and always, always change it to roman. LOL! Seriously, I know how to read, deebags!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Almost that time of the month (PM)

Well readers, we didn't make it to The Windsor to try on dresses. 
Not because we thought better of our crazy idea, but because I decided I wanted to walk home to work off some of the mountain of food we ate at dinner, and going to The Windsor would have been backtracking, and while I wanted to do some exercise, I guess I didn't want to do that much. Instead, we went in to the first bar we found (we called it The Donkey Bar), marched in to the disabled loo and  swapped dresses.

It felt very natural.

J's dress looked pretty cute, but I felt like I couldn't make a decision about whether I wanted to wear it on Saturday without spending a lot more time in front of the mirror. And a disabled toilet at The Donkey Bar is not the place to spend that time.  We swapped back in to our dresses and retired to the bar for a little digestive.
The wash up from this scenario is I still don't know what to wear on Saturday.

Almost that time of the month (AM)

So last night K and I went out for a pretty nice dinner. We did it for you guys. For a new segment that will debut next Friday. But just so you know how an electronic pre-dinner conversation between the two of us may go, I have this for you. A little dialogue that took place Wednesday.

K: Hey girl. How's it going? I'm fine thanks. [Blah blah blah. I'm telling you guys, you are missing nothing by me ellipsising through this bit - J]...In other news, and in the grand tradition of me trying on clothes that belong to you thinking they will fit me but they never do, I have a favour to ask of you.
I was wondering whether you would let me try on the floral dress you wore to your 30th birthday with a view to potentially wearing it on Saturday night when I go to Hobart to see Appleheart's play.
No worries if not. But I thought I would ask.
J: Hey girl. [Blah, blah, blah, worthy ellipsis]...Of course I'd be happy to lend you that dress. But there is a problem. I'm at at the beach and coming straight up for dins tomozz. I actually have the dress with me because I planned to wear it to dinner. I'd swap it out for something else but I don't really have anything else appropriate to wear.
K: HAHAHA. That's a problem alright. But I have an idea. How about after dinner, on the way home, we go to the ladies bathrooms at The Windsor hotel and try on one another's dresses. It could potentially be an hilarious component of our post. We can take photos of one another and shit. I'll bring the other dress I'm thinking about wearing.Then, depending on the outcome of our assessment of what looks best, we could go home in one another's dresses! 
J: HAHA! YES! Let's try on each others dresses after dinner or, possibly more hilariously, during dinner finishing dinner in each others dresses. Yeah! 

I bet you guys can not wait until next week to see how this panned out!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Didn't take long to find out.... (PM)

Oh, brother. And people are worried about the state of education in this country.

It just so happens that last night I watched a program in which Ewan McGregor went into remote areas of the Congo on a child-vaccinating mission. Perhaps he could turn his attention homeward and help vaccinate his people against stupidity. 

Didn't take long to find out.... (AM)

Just like the Guardian's film editors, I think the fewer words spoken about this, the better. But be sure to watch it with the sound on.

A few phone calls, a bit of research...and the fact that it looks exactly like a mother flipping walrus, but never mind that.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cheese! (PM)

Oh baby. Cheese! is right.
I barely go a day without cheese. I guess that's bad, from a cholesterol intake point of view. But from the point of view that life is precious and miraculous and tomorrow is promised to no one, I can not see the sense in a day without cheese. Take cheese away from a day and what do you get? A bad day, that's what.

I guess that's part of the reason I recently spent a lot of my dollars buying Tasmanian cheese on the internet recently.  Remember last year when Miss Soft Crab went to Hobart? Remember how we went to the Bruny Island Cheese Company for a little snack? Well those fine people have a Cheese Club, where they offer a bunch of cheeses that are particularly good at that particular time for sale to club members. Then they deliver them to your door. To your door!* Or your workplace's door, if, like me, you want to make sure that the cheese stays cold after delivery because you spent a lot of money on that cheese and goddamn it, you want to make sure it gets looked after. If you like cheese, I'm pretty sure you will like it when you get a call from the woman at reception saying "there is a very ripe smelling delivery for you waiting at reception".

So right now, I have all of this in my fridge, waiting for the night (next week, hopefully...Chickpea, are you free?) that J, Chickpea and I will have a little cheese eating/Hobart remembering salon at my house.

You can read all about them, and join the club, here.

Also, just because I like cheese so much, I also have these in the house at the moment. Cheddar, cayenne and spring onion biscuits.

I made them on Saturday because I had a bunch of cracker barrel in the fridge and I wanted to consume it quickly and efficiently to make may for the Bruny Island cheeses. In my experience, if you want to eat something quickly and efficiently, put it in a biscuit.

After writing this, and taking that photo, I have two less of those biscuits.


*Writing that makes me think of the Paul Kelly song To Her Door, which makes me picture a bunch of cheeses in a box singing that song as they wing their way towards their cheese loving homes and it's a nice thing to think about.

Cheese! (AM)


I love it so much, I actually don’t know where to begin. I guess maybe I wasn't eating much of it for a while. And recently I have been eating it a bit more. I don't know, all I know is that if I had really thought about things yesterday I could have told you that what I am really loving right now is cheese.

Last night I made a caprese salad, or insalata caprese as the Italians would say. The mozzarella I used wasn’t fancy or anything, just from the supermarket, but still it was delicious. Cheese!

For David’s birthday I bought him a jar of stilton.

But on one of the many occasions I was carrying it to work for a lunch date we were meant to have I dropped the jar. I didn’t realise it had broken until David unwrapped it. It only seemed right to buy him a new, unbroken jar. Which means that I now have a broken jar of stilton in my fridge. I guess I’ll have to eat it. Cheese!

On Sunday night I made a delicious salad of mint, coriander and beetroot. It was really good, but you know what would have made it better? A little feta. Preferably a marinated goats one. Cheese!

You know what I plan to snack on today? Cheddar, butter and cruskits. Did you know that this combination makes it feel like you are eating cheezels?! In the best possible way. CHEESE!

Cheese. Is there anything it can’t do? 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Things we're loving right now (PM)

I'm a little loathe to say this, but I actually learnt about that Aesop geranium body scrub from a magazine telling me what they were loving right now. Actually it was more of a 'Slough off those old scaly skin cells for spring' special showcasing body exfoliants costing $100. And at that price why wouldn't you buy one for every bathroom in the house. But that Aesop one is considerably cheaper than $100. And it makes your skin so soft and it smells so good. I'd tell you about something else I am loving right now but mostly I just love this stuff. And I do love to follow up a good scrub with the geranium leaf moisturiser. While we are on this stuff, can I just recommend taking a small child with you when you go into Aesop, because every time I do that I end up with the best samples. Last time I went to buy my body scrub I Baby got a 50ml bottle of the geranium leaf body cleanser. Sure, the guy may have given it to Baby to use as bubble bath, but it's not my fault we don't have a bath. So now in between the scrub days I get to use the body cleanser, meaning I pretty much get to smell great all the time. 

So I am just loving all the Aesop geranium leaf things I have.

Things we're loving right now (AM)

You know how on some blogs, or in magazines back in the times when they were a thing, there is a post or a page called something like Things we're loving right now that showcases a bunch of products that the authors are loving fully sick? And often those things will be something like a $100 candle or $200 hat? And it will say something like
"We are OBSESSED with the new lip gloss from Wherever....the luscious texture and subtle shades...  it's a must-have for those lazy summer $50 a pop you'll want one in every colour!"
Yeah, I hate them too.
But this morning, in the shower, I was using the stuff I use in the shower and it smells so nice and makes my skin feel so nice that I felt compelled to write about how much I love it.

Here it is.

The Aesop geranium leaf body scrub. J put me on to it a while ago. It smells lovely and has little bits of pumice in it so it feels kind of rough when it goes on the skin. But kind of invigorating, like when you get your hair brushed at the hairdresser and they go a little bit hard, but once they get all the knots out you think "yes, this is good for me". It feels like that. And afterwards your skin feels as soft as marshmallow.
But really it's the smell that really does it. Somehow light and fresh and deep and musky at the same time. Who knew that a nuff nuff flower like the Geranium would have a leaf that if put through what I can only assume is some pretty intensive processing, would smell this great.

Nuff Nuff geraniums in a pot. 
This guy? You think this guy knew? There's no way. No one knew! But it does, and now Aesop package that stuff up in to pleasantly shaped and styled vessels and I for one am very glad about that.

So that's the thing I'm loving right now. And I'm sure this goes without saying, but this is absolutely not a paid advertisement.  Are you kidding? I would love Aesop to pay Miss Soft Crab to use their products. Instead, we pay them. I'm just telling you because I really do love this stuff. And when I back it up with the geranium leaf moisturiser, I basically feel like I'm on top of life, and maybe living the kind of life that belongs in a magazine.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Acrostic Monday (PM)

Petal of violet
Interior of fig
No other colour's blush 
Knows my heart more.

Acrostic Monday (AM)

                                                My heart may belongs to blue. But
                                                 I have room in my heart for others
                                                No, mint, you could never replace navy
                                                Truth is as a colour your delighful, as a herb, sublime