Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What I'm thinking about in my car (AM)

Now the world don’t move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you may not be right for some. And, you know, few places is that more evident than on a car. Have you seen what people put on their cars? And I’m not just talking frangipanis or your old fashioned bumper stickers, which I try to ignore for fear of being morally or aesthetically offended. But then I started seeing those disgusting ‘My Family’ stickers everywhere and I couldn't ignore them anymore more. I am not sure what I find more offensive. The fact that people feel the need to put a ‘picture’ of ‘their family’ on a car or that people want their family depicted in such a fashion as this:

Ugh. (These idiots not only put this picture on their car, they then put it on the Internet too! WTF?!)

The other thing that sometimes has me asking questions is business names. I know it makes total sense to have your business name on the side of your car or van. It gets you so much exposure. Over summer I saw a medical waste disposal van for a company called Sweeney Todd. Are you all familiar with the story line of the smash hit musical Sweeney Todd? It’s about a barber who starts killing his patrons so the pie shop owner in the neighbourhood can turn their bodies into pies. What self respecting hospital administrator would employ such an ill-names medical waste disposal company?!? 
And what about personalised number plates?! One car I see around has plates that say RAGER. I bet you are, guy. Last night I saw plates that said BOTOXU. Like Botox you? What? What the fuck? I have so many questions about what the fuck that is about. Unlike the plates I saw on a Porsche 4-wheel drive recently that said PORSCHE. That just made me ask the questions ‘What happened to you when you were a child?’ and ‘How small is your cock?’

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