Friday, March 16, 2012

Beware The Ides of March (PM)

The first time I saw The Notebook I was on a plane going somewhere far away. And LB was in Australia. Needless to say I pretty much fell in love with The Gos. Then I saw Lars and the Real Girl. And I still loved him, he is totally adorable in it. But then everyone was always going so nuts for him and though he is undoubtedly pretty, his features are quite small but he has that large jaw, and so I became conflicted. (Now, readers you should know something about me. When people are going apeshit for a person it puts me off them. I don’t want to be this shallow but I am. I can’t help it. There was a point once when, because everyone was always going on about how great Robert De Niro is, I would chose Joe Pesci over De Niro when they were pitted against each other in ‘Would you rather’! I know! I see the error of my ways now.)

Anyways, I went off the Gos. But friends, things change. You remember how K and I felt about the Oscar coverage, right? You thought you saw our whole conversation? You didn’t. After the coverage ended my phone went flat and we switched to Facebook chat. Here is an excerpt of our conversation:

K: Speaking of hot youth, would Joey Gordon Levitt make it in to a top 20?

J: Oh, yeah, top 20 for sure I think. Twenty is a lot of people

K: Jake Gyllenhaal

J: Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Even though where the eff is he???

K: Where was Jake tonight? Worthington! Where was Worthington?

J: Worthington!!! YES! Where was he?? Even Gosling would have been something!

K: I have a halfie for Gosling, I wouldn't have minded a little Gos at all.

J: I have a quarty for the Gos

K: Hahahaha

J: I know now I am hysterical. I think it's the lack of hunks that made me this way


J: #laughorcry

And then a couple of weeks later I had a (g-rated) dream about The Gos. I think in the dream we worked together or something, but I’m pretty sure he was totally crushing on me. Well, I think we all know who is on the verge of joining the top 20 list. Shit.

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