Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WTF? Wednesday (AM)

I don't read actual newspapers so much any more. You know, because of the internet. And because they are unwieldy. And because all I ever do when I buy the paper is read about 3 articles and then head straight for the word target. But sometimes I get all wistful about their crinkly pages and their smudgey ink, and so I buy one.
I did this the other day, and was having a nice time of it until I flipped a page, saw this, and damn near  lost my shit:
WT mother-effing F?! If I'm not mistaken, that's a full page add for diamond rings featuring Twigley and the Jigley baby. People, I do not think this is cool. I mean, way to pimp out your baby, Jigleys.
But really, it's the look on Twigley's face that troubles me. Lets take a closer look.
I don't know how to say this, other than bitch be lookin' crazy in that photo and baby be lookin' dubious yo. I'm sure she is a totally fine mother and all, and the Jigley baby is certainly very adorable, but sheesh! I absolutely do not want to open my newespaper of a morning and see a face that says I bathe in the blood of 50 virgins every night, and I will have my virgins! No sirreee.
WTF guys, seriously.

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