Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Martin Scorsese: an inspiration (AM)

Last night on the news there was a story about the BAFTAs that mentioned that Martin Scorsese had received an award for 'a lifetime of acheivement'. You don't hear that expression really do you? They always say 'lifetime achievement award', which, when you think about it, doesn't really mean much.

Martin Scorsese really has done some awesome stuff. Taxi Driver! The Last Waltz! Goodfellas! My Voyage to Italy! And that is just four from his entire lifetime of achievement, there's so many heaps more.

It's really true. Scorsese has had a lifetime full of achievement. I want that!

I mean, I don't expect that I can do what MS did, I'm not delusional. But just doing some awesome stuff throughout your life would be really, really great.

By the time Scorsese was my age he had made Mean Streets. By the time I was my age I had co-founded this blog.

If I was Scorsese, in the next few years I would make Taxi Driver. Now, I guess we all know that I am not going to make Taxi Driver. But I think I see a pattern. If you just do one great thing after another you have a lifetime of achievement.


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