Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Touching the void

Wednesdays are my days at home with KB. We get up and have a play, then go to the market for coffe, or Nino as KB likes to call it (an abbreviation of babycino). We usually go for a play in the park before heading home for a middle of the day nap. Nap time is a brilliant thing. You can lie around AND get things done if you're lucky. Most importantly, you get to regroup. This is pretty essential if you're going to make it through the afternoon play session, followed by the dinner/bath/storytime/bedtime marathon. 
I know older kids don't have naptime, and I know their parents just have to manage. I admire those people every day. But today, I AM that person. KB is refusing to nap. That means no regrouping for me. No cup of tea. No putting the washing out in a leisurely fashion. No food prep. Etc. etc. blah blah blah. I thought I was months away from this kind of thing. 
I'm not handling it well. I'm engaging in a little multimedia parenting while I figure out what to do next. 

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