Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Who am I? (AM)

It was Yom Kippur on Saturday, the day of atonement. It's also a time for self reflection. Russeth fasted and, presuming he had the presence of mind through the hunger, I assume he atoned and reflected. Around sunset that night though I received this message from him "So I've just left the house to get my post Yom meal and nearly said hello to a woman I thought was Mondonna". Readers, Mondonna lives in America, so the chances of her walking past Russeth were slim. Whether Russeth was in any position to make a sound assessment of the year just gone remains to be seen. I did not observe Yom Kippur but that doesn't mean I haven't been atoning and reflecting. Just the other night I did an Oprah quiz. Yes, now that Oprah is no longer a tv show she is a website. And a television station by all accounts. 

To be honest I don't know if I intended to google "what should I do with my life?" or if predictive googling distracted me, either way in order to discover who I am meant to be, I found myself ranking, according to frequency, statements  like "others think of me as nurturing". I don't know Oprah, go ask the others! Or "I lose sight of my own needs". Yes Oprah, sometimes I do. Why the fuck else would I be doing this quiz, I certainly don't need to be, a fact I've clearly lost sight of. 

It became clear to me when I'd finished the quiz that it was the kind of thing where any result would give me some reassuring, positive and inaccurate assessment of myself and after looking around for some more enjoyable quiz (I love quizzes, I find them very relaxing. I enjoy surveys in the same way and will always do one when telesurveyors ring with them) but it turns out that Oprah the website is at least as annoying as Oprah the tv show was and after laughing at the discovery of an article called "how to wear jeans to work" I looked under my chair to see if there was a gift bag only to find nothing and shut down the Oprah window.  

So Oprah helped me achieve nothing and a 24-hour fast would probably make me as delusional as it did Russeth. I've got a year to figure out how to best self reflect and how I can apologise to myself for spending on 

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