Friday, August 5, 2011

Crusts were a thing!

Mate, inspired by your experiment with the Best Women's Weekly Recipes, I started looking through some of my own old cookbooks. And what did I find in 100 Hostess Party Favourites? Right there nestled in between Spam Salad San Francisco and Pineapple Nut Rice Pilaf?

None other than Savoury Bacon Crust Pie! This pie crust is made by mixing bacon, breadcrumbs, onion, capsicum, pepper and tomato puree. You smear it on the pie dish. Top it off with the filling (rice, tomato puree, cheese and raisins. Mmmmmmm) and cook. But don't forget to add more cheese to the top in the last few minutes of cooking.

I am absolutely not going to cook this. Not even for science. Sorry.

I wonder why everyone felt the need to add the word savoury to the pie titles. As if having bacon or veal in the title could lead to some confusion as to where these pies would sit on the flavour scale. Crazy times!

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