This is not a controversial opinion, but I like to think that in the same way the flap of a butterfly's wings in the amazon can lead to a tsunami in the pacific (not that I want it to! please stay still little butterflies!), maybe Crimpy's post was the trigger that eventually caused Rebecca Twigley to go in to labour and give birth to the Twigley Judd (Twudd) baby.
The birth of the Twudd baby was certainly the trigger that prompted me to look at pictures of R-Twig and C-Judd's wedding on the HUN online for about 20 minutes, then read an article called Footy's hottest WAGs, then look at a HUN photo gallery of footy's hottest WAGs. I'm not proud of any of this, but it's done now.
All of this activity left me with two overwhelming impressions: if I can just avoid looking at that first photo then I can avoid wasting a shitload of time on Herald Sun galleries, and, WAGs are boring looking and seem to permanently have their mouths open in their WAG photos. Check this out:
I'm sure she is a perfectly nice lady. Perhaps all WAGs are. Lauren Phillips certainly seems pleasant. But for pete's sake, close your mouths WAGs, you look like morons!
That's all.
Twudd - good one. 'OJ' will no doubt get a run in the media, ie. Oscar Judd, but Twudd sums it up better. Nicely SoftCrabbed.