Monday, October 10, 2016

I really hope this works (PM)

Sure as heck sounds like I'm not the only one that needs a little break. Let's hope that Apple and Google can sort something out in the next few weeks. Or alternatively that K can. 

See you in a few weeks!

I really hope this works (AM)

So some of you might be wondering why J was the only crab to post anything last week. J, who on Monday last week, gave birth. Then on Wednesday last week had just made it home from hospital with a two day old baby. First, let me say I'm very sorry. And let me tell you the reason, which is actually two reasons. The first reason is that the new IOS does not seem to like the blogger site and whenever you try to write a blog post the whole thing crashes, which is very annoying when you're 99% of the way through a blog post, and iphone is an essential piece of equipment for your blogging life. Seriously Apple, seriously Google, I expect the two of you to get together and sort out your differences. The other part is that as I've regularly told you all, J is the sensible one in this outfit. If you've ever wondered whether there is one crab to rule them all then the answer is yes, those giant crabs that live on the ocean floor and you see on David Attenborough documentaries, but after that it's J. And don't you think she deserves a break to get to know her new baby who is off the charts cute? Yes, I think so too. So, Miss Soft Crab is going to have a new-life hiatus for a few weeks. We'll be back in November, the day before the public holiday for that big horse race. See you then, crab fans!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday's post (AM)

On Monday I had my baby and who forgot to do their blog post!? Not me, K! To be fair she did hit send on my post so I guess I can't say she did nothing to fulfill her MSC obligations but sheesh. My baby is a little girl and I love her. Having a baby is truly a best thing and going through labour is truly a worst thing. All I kept thinking was how the fuck do we get through this. I mean sure we all do it differently with varying degrees of intervention and tolerance and I'd chose labour over Caesar. But what a fucking a-hole it is. Having a tiny baby in he house is totally adorable though, if challenging and accompanied by an onslaught of hormones and attendant mood swings. So excuse me while I go burst into tears or stare at my baby adoringly or sit under a shower for a perverse amount of time.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Dog Days (AM)

Did you watch the grand final on Saturday!? What a match! I don't know about you guys but I really expected Sydney to dominate early and convincingly beat the Bulldogs. Don't get me wrong, I was going for the Dogs and I have paid very little attention to the footy this season so I really was basing my assumptions on pretty much nothing except for a history of watching a bunch of boring grand finals in the past. But it was great! Neck and neck for almost the whole game, anyone's match the whole way through. It was really great. And I had pretty much the perfect GF day. Watched it at home with just the fam and then went into the street to socialise with friends and neighbours. Thereby getting to enjoy the footy and socialising without the pressure of actually doing a thing. Geez, if only all GF days could be like that. I feel just like Hemsworth did when the Doggies won the preliminary final!