Thursday, October 10, 2013

Black thumb (AM)

I did a bit of gardening on the weekend. Who wants an update on what's growing? Ok ok pipe down, I'll give you one. 
First of all, it was a beautiful sunny day on saturday and and a delight to be on the balcony. I fertilised all my pots and then planted the following:  basil, parsley, tomatoes, poppys. Some thyme too. All from seeds I bought from diggers. Gee I felt earthy. 
And a little friend visited making me feel like I basically was Mother Nature.

So far I am very disappointed with the results. 

Apart from a couple of parsley shoots, nothing has happened. 

I can't even be sure those are parsley shoots. Just because they are near the parsley sign doesn't mean they are the real can still get weeds in pots tomorrow.
Most of my pots look barren and miserable.

One nice thing in my garden is my elderflower. Those plants were everywhere in Copenhagen and Sweden and gee they smell lovely. I bought one when I came home and it's doing quite well.

And here's something special I bought a month or so ago. 
You can't tell from this photo, but under that soil, real live genuine wasabi root is growing. 
But obviously those plants aren't from the weekends efforts, and I'm a little worried those that are won't grow because I have become a black thumb. 
I guess we'll see. 

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