Thursday, December 10, 2015

Christmas List (PM)

Oh boy. End of year malaise. It's as predictable as inconsistent hot weather throughout the Melbourne summer. I know that I previously spoke about how being on leave and having very few social commitments means I am going to nail Christmas this year, but I'm starting to think that was wishful thinking. I have a pile of Christmas cards that I plan to write and send, but whenever I have an opportunity to write them (i.e. when KB is napping), I find myself fucking around on instagram or some such thing. Today, the sun was out for the first time in ages, and when I caught my reflection in the mirror I realised that I have not been able to see my face properly for three weeks. I've basically been in soft focus for weeks and didn't realise it. So I took today's nap time as an opportunity to properly inspect my face. You know, take a good long look at myself and shit you guys, girl is looking old. Anyway, I'm not really nailing Christmas the way I wanted to. Though I can advise that KB is going to look VERY cute on Christmas day due to a very nifty novelty outfit I bought for him.

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