
Friday, December 16, 2011

What's in my bag? (PM)

It may not surprise y'all that I pretty much have the same stuff in my back that K does.

1. My wallet. Der. 
2. A bag of chocolate someone at work gave me in the name of Christmas. There were more chocolates in it when she gave it to me.
3. Emery boards because I effing hate having broken nails and nothing to file them with. Ugh, just the thought of it makes my skin crawl!
4. Miss Soft Crab notebook. Seriously, I only write down ideas for this very blog in it. It's a god damn goldmine!
5. My phone. I love that guy.
6. My iPod. Cause I am too lazy to put music on my iPhone
7. The headphones LB bought me for my birthday (Beats by Dr. Dre). Well, technically K purchased them but but they were from LB. 
8. My glasses which I rarely wear now that I don't sit in front of a computer for 40 hours a week and don't have the subsequent blurred vision when I leave the office.
9. The Travel Almanac. In case I want to read something on the train. Truth is though that I am pretty much always too busy listening to podcasts to read but after reading this morning that K reads the book in her bag (too many 'reads'?) I read an interview with Bernard Sumner. It was not that interesting and this magazine is pretty annoying.
10. Band-aids. 'Cause I keep making the mistake of thinking a particular pair of shoes are broken in. But they are totally not broken in. 
11. Make-up case to keep all my make-up/toiletries together.
12. Make-up and toiletries I am too lazy to put back in the case.
13. Tape measure.
14. Free comb from Just Cuts that I took from a share house bathroom 8 years ago and never put back.
15. More stuff to make sure I look pretty all the time.
16. A pretty fresh nappy. Usually if they have been in my bag too long they are all weirdly shaped and covered in bag crud.
17. My sunglasses. I bought them on the last day of my NYC holiday, in that time you wander around before having to go to the airport. And I love them.

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