
Monday, December 19, 2011

The next year (AM)

I don't make new years resolutions. Who does?! Pretty much every week I think to myself that I'm going to work out heaps or eat better and then I don't and at least I can try and rectify that next week, but if you fuck that up for a whole year that's a whole year of disappointment in yourself. And a whole year you have to wait till you can sort it out. So new years resolutions, forget that.

Still there are things that are pretty likely to happen next year. Things that if you could bank on certainty would certainly happen. And that is why I kind of love the start of a new year. It somehow gives you this sense of hope and positivity for the next 12 months that just thinking about 12 months, say from June, doesn't give you.

Like next year, God willing, my fringe is going to grow out totally for the first time in years. I know this because I am absolutely not going to cut it and it is so close to being grown out. In just a matter of months it is going to be as if my fringe never existed. Don't get me wrong, I look cute in a fringe, but I just don't want one and I am so sick of the grow out phase. Before I get to the point of total grow out I always get frustrated and cut it. But not this time. NO WAY! 

On top of that the rest of my hair is only going to keep getting longer too! YEAH!

Miss Soft Crab is going to turn 1! And on top of that we will no doubt come up with some hilarious hash tags on Twitter. And in life. This year has not been a  bad one. First, Miss Soft Crab was born. Then we discovered hash tags! I know that these are meant to be used so that people can find what you are talking about, but my god they are so much more than that! K and I have pretty much abandoned regular language in our text messages to each other and write predominantly in hash tags. So I can't wait to see what new hash tags next year brings.

Also next year a bunch of other great things will happen! There will be hilarity, no doubt at least a little dancing, some delicious food. Chances are some bad things will happen too. I'm not deluded, but let's just hear it for the new year!

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