
Monday, December 19, 2011

The next year (PM)

I grew my fringe out once, but because my hairline is sharp and jagged like a rocky coastline it looked really dumb and so I cut that fringe back in and I've never looked back. Except, of course, for every single day, when I look at my hair in the mirror and remember that I hate its guts and wonder whether I should grow my fringe out. But realistically, given that I've had this haircut for 15 years now, 2012 is unlikely to introduce any changes on that front.

Guys, I'd love to stay and chat about my hair (seriously, I would totally love to do that) but it turns out that work is really really busy at the moment and there is precious little time for the stuff that I ate, saw and thought about. I know, I'm a disappointment to myself.

I promise to think about my hair more in 2012.