
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Persimmon: The Miss Soft Crab review (PM)

SHIT! I have been doing it all wrong! 

I guess somewhere in my past I have had a delicious persimmon, because in my head there is this idea that they can be delicious. But definitely every recent memory of them is of fruit lacking fullness of flavour and with a somehow dry texture that feels funny on the tongue. It's cause I eat them when they are way under ripe. Geez shops, why you gotta sell a persimmon like that?! How the hells am I supposed to know any better. To be fair Baby loves them like this. But what does he know? He wants to go into the garden every day and see if the Easter bunny has left any eggs! He doesn't get the Easter bunny, how can you expect him to get the persimmon?! Anyway, ups his fruit intake so no complaints here.

But hang on! My mum buys and eats persimmons! Let me go talk to her about them.


OK, I'm back. Mum told me she likes the persimmon half ripe because she thinks the fully ripe ones are too intense. I'm going to go see if I can find a persimmon.


I'm back! And I found a persimmon!

Can you believe it?! But it was hard as a rock. So I didn't eat it. So basically what I am saying is I can add nothing to this review except don't eat them under ripe.

Sorry guys.

1 comment:

  1. They were really yum in Japan but I've only had sucky ones here. I reckon that's where you had a good one.
