
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Persimmon: The Miss Soft Crab review (AM)

Who here has eaten a persimmon before? 
If you answered yes, great! You guys are totally on to it.   

If you answered no, I say: don't worry guys, neither had I until Sunday.  And you've totally come to the right place because today, Miss Soft Crab reviews the persimmon! 
First things first: in case you are wondering what a persimmon is, it is an autumn fruit that, as you can see, looks a bit like a giant orange acorn and a bit like a tomato. 

Perhaps, like me, you see them at the fruit shop from time to time, and wonder what they taste like, and whether you have room for you in your life for them. I guess for me, the fact that I had not tried one before Sunday suggests (spoiler alert!) that no, I do not have room in my life for the persimmon. This is largely because they look a little too much like tomatoes for my liking, and my brain finds it difficult to image how something that looks like a tomato could be a sweet fruit.  
Regardless of my brain difficulty, the time to sample the persimmon came on the weekend when Neville's boyfriend G-Sepp brought me one from his garden. G-Sepp loves his garden so much that this one time, he shot a rat he found foraging within it with an air rifle. Who am I to refuse a persimmon from such a man, a man who would kill for his fruit and vegetables? I'm no fool, readers. I took that persimmon and waited until it was ripe.  

I must say, I had a lot of reservations. G-Sepp told me to wait until it went all gooey and gelatinous before I ate it. Really? When it's gooey and gelatinous?  But gooey and gelatinous are words that mean gross! Who does the persimmon think it is? I was actually pretty sure I was going to hate it, but I wanted to at least have one bite. When it took on this nasty, nasty texture, I cut it in to quarters and scooped out some of the fruity flesh to taste. 

Basically, it is tasted like a delicious, fruity custard, only it wasn't custard, it was just fruit. You know how mango is really rich and creamy, but also fruity? Well that's what persimmon is like too! It's like the richest fruit there is. Within about two minutes of the first bite, it looked like this. 

Within about another two minutes I had plundered it so thoroughly it looked way, way grosser than that. I could not believe how delicious it was. Readers, eat a goddamn persimmon as soon as you can!  

Lets hear it for the persimmon!

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