
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Advice please (AM)

So, every now and again here at Miss Soft Crab we talk about having an advice column. Mostly we talk about it in the real world, to each other, not the cyber world to you guys. One time a reader asked for some (sorry Mondonna, I promise I will address the boiled fish question one day) and once I brought it up here, asking K for advice. But no-one else has ever taken the bait. What?! Your lives are so perfect?!

So Miss Dizzy asks:
Dear Misses Soft Crabs, I know you are on recess but here is someone desperate. I heard that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Tell me quickly what can I feed my boyfriend. And please, none of that oyster rubbish. Waiting with anticipation, yours Dizzy

A little something called tandoori prawns with mango salsa and cocnut rice. A winner every time!

Miss Dizzy, I am so sorry we did not get back to you sooner. I hope your boyfriend hasn’t left you just because we were a bit delayed in responding to your comment. But when I saw this question I really thought that it needed my full attention, not my hiatus-brain attention. Because, gosh, great question, but what do you base your answer on?

I mean, this question is pretty fraught. K’s ex-boyfriend, for example, liked to eat cereal for dinner. Sometimes bangers and mash. K, as she may later chime in, liked to eat delicious things that Rib-Eye was not interested in. No wonder things didn't work out.

My boyfriend, on the other hand, is pretty much delighted when I make anything delicious for dinner. On Sunday in fact I made toasties for dinner (Turkish bread, tasty cheese, cherry tomatoes and some pickled chillies) and he was all, “Yum! We should do this more often.”

And yet some days I make some mind blower and he is all, “Yeah, it’s not bad.” WTF?

I'll tell you what wins every time. Protein. LB likes the meat kind. Red meat, chicken, fish. Now as a vegetarian I don't cook these things often, except for occassionally a bit of seafood. Sometimes I just cook all the accompaniments and tell him what meat I think would be good with it and he cooks the meant and I still get all the kudos. It's awesome.

So I guess what I am sayin is, what does your boyfriend like Miss Dizzy? Find out then cook that thing the most deliciousest way you can. And BAM lasting love.

Good luck.

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