
Friday, December 23, 2011

2011 - The year that was

It's Miss Soft Crab's final post for the year! Or is it??!! Look, it pretty much is. It is definitely Miss Soft Crab's last substantial post for the year. And naturally, we are feeling a little reflective. To mark the occasion, we decided we would abandon our usual AM/PM format and look back over the year, Miss Soft Crab chat style.

K: So 2011.The year that was.

J What did you think?

K:  Well, it was a pretty nice year really. But over all too soon.

J Or over at just the right time? Who can say? I liked how Miss Soft Crab was born.

K Oh, that was the best. But I guess I just feel like I  feel when I watch an hour long episode of a TV show on DVD. It should go for an hour, but in reality it's just 40 minutes. It feels like this year went real fast, like TV shows on DVD do. But I love that MSC was born.

J Oh, yeah I hate the way hour long shows only go for 40 mins on DVD. Do you think you feel that way because Miss Soft Crab feels like it should be a year old but is only 9 months?

K Oh no. I just feel like it was only yesterday we came in to the city on Christmas eve so we could buy lipsticks for one another for Christmas. Don't you?

J Oh yeah. And ate dumplings at the Oriental Tea House. Man, what a good one.

K Yes!

J What was your highlight for this year?

K It's been a sweet year. Mexico and NYC were awesome. MSC is awesome. I really love that $60 dress I bought from the Alpha 60 sale. What about you mate?

J Oh yeah! I loved San Fran and NYC! I loved the birth of MSC! I loved TOYS and dinner at the Estelle. I loved Baby learning to walk and talk.

K Baby. Being born in 2010 was great, but being so cute in 2011 was even better.

J Ha! You said it. Or something. They were both awesome. What was your low light of the year?

K Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I watched it on DVD last night and it sucked so hard!

J Oh really? I didn't see it but I heard it was good. I don't care. I am going to see it.

K It's basically about a chimpanzee cult leader who doesn't know a good thing when he's on to it (Franco). What was your low light?

J Um, sounds awesome. So I guess my low lights were that haircut I got from my ex-hairdresser and Battle Los Angeles and um I can't really think of anything else.

K #charmedlife. Hey, hash tags were a highlight of 2011

J #yousaidit. And realising what we had been missing out on before joining Twitter was a low light. Did anyone other than Osama and Kim Jong Il die that we should commemorate?

K: Whoa, great question. Lets see. Amy Winehouse! Jobsy! 

J: Oh shit. I should have remembered those. They were defo sad. RIP guys. You both did some awesome stuff.

K Totally. RIP, awesome friends.

J I'm sad you died. Especially Amy. No disrespect Jobsy. 

K ***None taken, J ********** Is what I imagine Jobsy would say if he spoke to you through the computer. 

J: Hey, seeing Die Antword and  MIA were also highlights

K Totally. Die effing Antword.

J Yeah. Such good ones.

K So, I think we just need to say that really, it's been a pretty nice year for us, and I hope it's been a nice year for the Crab community too.

J Yeah. Yeah! it has been a nice year for us. And hopefully for everyone. I hope next year is a totally awesome one for everyone too!

K Inshallah. Right now, I just want Jack and Colleen to sing Merry Christmas!

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