
Monday, September 26, 2011

It's Groom Week

Look guys, it's possible that we are crazy obsessed with grooming right now and you are all thinking shut up about the grooming already. But just in case you feel crazy obsessed too, we have decided to make this week Groom Week on Miss Soft Crab.
Every day we will explore aspects of grooming. There will be posts about our own grooming situation, like J's post this morning. There will be posts about other people's grooming, like our Brownlow Special tomorrow. There will be posts about make-up lessons that may or may not have taken place last weekend. It's Groom Week and anything is possible (within reason).

Now it's my turn to share. I'm going to start with hair too.
Unlike J, my hair is extremely soft and thin, with a natural wave.
Not a curl, which I could do something with, but a wave. To have thin, soft, wavy hair is a curse, and is one of the many cruel jokes that nature has played on me. It's the thinness that is the problem. When my hair is left to dry naturally, it forms this limp, pathetic little kinks and is really just a total embarrassment.
It looks like this, but much less cute:
The real problem with letting my hair dry naturally is that waviness makes it kind of lank, and the lankness robs it of the very best thing about it, which is that when it is all straight and shiny, it is exactly the colour of chestnuts. I love chestnuts and therefore I love the colour of my hair.

You absolutely can't really tell that it is the colour of chestnuts from this picture, but trust me.

Anyway, I got wise  to the reality of my situation some time ago, so for me, grooming begins with blow drying my hair after every wash.

But here's a special tip for you! If you can't be bothered washing your hair, just wash and blow-dry your fringe. It's much less annoying and people totally can't tell.
(Right guys?)

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