
Monday, August 29, 2011

Get off, LaBeouf

I'm afraid I have seen that pile of crap film, and not only that, I saw it at the cinema. I knew it would be crap but I did it anyway. Why did I do that? What a terrible life choice!
I remember almost nothing about it, except that Harrison Ford looked very very old. Were they looking for something in a giant warehouse at some point? Are there aliens? Don't bother answering because I really don't care.

I really loved Raiders of the Lost Ark though. My brothers and I watched it over and over when we were little. I also loved Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, mainly because River Phoenix was the young Indiana and I loved River Phoenix very very much when I was a teenager.

But back to your point about the 1980s being a time where a ridiculous premise was no impediment to films being made, and being awesome. I think you're on to something mate.
I mean, do we all remember Labyrinth?
It's basically a musical about kidnapping, but with Muppets and David Bowie.
I just don't think a studio would back that up these days. I don't even know who the contemporary equivalent of David Bowie would be. Maybe Beck?
Anyway, I love Labyrinth and I'm extremely glad it was made. But geez, keep your crazy ideas in the 1980s people. And Shia LaBeouf, you are not now and never will be a Miss Soft Crab hunk. Get off our blog loser.

And now, Magic Dance!!

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