
Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm afraid I don't have the answer

Well, in my humble opinion, you're not out of touch at all. All of those ads are gross, and the fact that so many ads are really gross would naturally make a thoughtful kid like you wonder whether you are missing something. It's normal. And you know, it was exactly that question that led to the birth of Go Fug Yourself.

Fun fact: apparently those fug girls were hanging out one day and saw a movie poster or ad or something that they found really fugly. They started discussing how there was so much fug around and that perhaps this wasn't because people had lost it and didn't know how to dress anymore, perhaps it was because people were consciously choosing to cultivate a fugly look. They hypothesised that perhaps fugly was the new pretty and voila, GFY was born.

But back to the advertisements you identified. That Transitions woman looks totally CGI to me. If she is a real woman, then I have to say I do not know what the world is coming to. She looks like she just stepped out of a game of Tekken. And keep in mind that I haven't played Tekken since about 2001, and that's what her look says to me.

As for the Wish lady, she really does seem to be walking the line between dead and undead. Maybe they are trying to capitalise on the whole vampire thing that is around these days. She does kind of look like a Cullen, what with her stupid sullen face and her crappy wardrobe. But what else would we expect from a nasty brand like Wish.

I remember when vampires were full of vim and vigour.
Remember this merry band of vamps everybody?
I miss those days.

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