
Thursday, June 9, 2011

I get it

The lady in the picture sure does have a stupid look on her face, like she is thinking something that is really troubling her, such as "I know horses wear shoes, but do Unicorns?"
Regardless, there is something awesome about her hair, which I certainly don't need to tell you given you have kept this picture for so long.
I must say that it does not surprise me that you are interested in a perm. In addition to your need to reclaim the look that your ex-hairdresser took away, you love the style of Woody Allen women circa 1980 and most of those ladies had perms. My personal favourite is Diane Keaton's perm in Manhattan.

But yes, in summary I get why you are feeling a little permiscuous. HAHAHAHA.

But seriously folks, lets properly consider the question of whether you should get a perm. I expect you are right, and that perm technology has come a long way since the eighties. While long out of favour on the western head, the asian head has gone bananas for the perm in the last few years. I imagine that this booming tiger market has translated to some serious technological advancements which is good news for you. Plus, I think there are different kinds of perms, like the super tight ringlet perm and the softer, more wavy perm. So you could very well get a perm that doesn't look super permy, if that's what you wanted. But for me, the major consideration is not the perm, because I'm pretty sure that if you got one, it would look great. It's the growing out of the perm that worries me.
As we all know, nothing gold can stay. Even if you get an awesome perm that you love, you most likely won't want it to last forever, and therefore you will need an exit strategy. Maybe it's not that hard to gracefully grow out a perm - I've never seen it happen so I don't know. But I imagine that if not properly managed, a perm in the grow-out phase would look really flat at the roots and then all askew at the ends, kind of like hat hair. This would be a difficult look to pull off. But heck, if anyone can do it, you can do it.
I think you need to find someone who knows about perms and ask them these important questions. Like a new hairdresser. But who? And where? And what are their head massages like?


  1. J, dude, I don't see why you can't have this hair au natural. I reckon it would do that with the right cut and a bit of frisking in the morning. That hair cutter than you mentioned was all gung ho about bringing out my hair's natural perm. What's that bitchez problem?

  2. It's true Sarah, I confess after writing my post I did think if I got the right hair cut and bothered to dry my hair curly in the morning it would be pretty permtastic. My ex would probably be into that, but I don't care, it's over between us! FOREVER!
