
Monday, October 21, 2013

Postcard from Brisbane (AM)

Oh hi guys. How were your weekends?
Good? That's good.
So I'm writing this from a cinema in Brisbane. It's Sunday night, and I'm waiting for the 6:45pm session of Gravity to start. I thought I might get a head start on writing my Monday post, given that I'm going to write about my weekend in Brisbane and it seems that Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are going to be part of it. I'm not entirely sure why on watching this film. People like it. The alternative is sitting on the bed in my hotel room eating Doritos and watching TV. I thought I should make an effort to put that off until Monday night, so here I am. 
Anyway, the show's about to start, so I'll see you on the flip side.


Oh, hello again guys. I bet you're all dying to know what I thought of Gravity. Well, it was pretty good! A pretty good movie and a pretty good way to spend a Sunday night. That's as enthusiastic as I can get I'm afraid, because it didn't blow my mind. But it's a pretty good version of one of those kinds of films.

Anyway, now it's Monday morning. I'm sitting up at the 'business centre' part of my hotel room (view illustrated above) getting ready to go to this work conference thing which is the reason I'm in Brisbane in the first place.
It starts this morning but I've been in Brisbane since Friday night, because Appleheart and I came up early in order to get a little sun (and boy am I glad we did because I hear the weather in Melbourne has been shit this weekend) and get a head start on Appleheart's birthday week celebrations. While I've never identified myself as a waterslide fancier, Appleheart loves them with his whole apple flavored heart, so naturally we went to Wet N Wild, Australia's premium waterslide based fun park. 
It's pretty great you guys. Knowing that Russeth and G Force came up here a while ago specifically to go to WnW, I asked him for some advice. He said
"My advice is to not be a pussy and do everything twice. Other than that....I dunno. It's a theme park so you don't really need to think about it. JUST DO IT."

It was the best advice. I was not pussy at all and as a result I did some scary shit. Like go on a waterslide that where you stand in a tube and the floor drops out from beneath you and you do a vertical drop which feeds in to an upside down loop that some people don't make it all the way around and have to be rescued from. No joke. But I did it and it ruled. 

The rest of the weekend has involved walking around Brisbane, having a few beers in the sun and thinking about the benefits of not being a pussy. It's been pretty fun really. Appleheart left last night, hence going to see Gravity then eating a packet of Doritos for dinner while sitting on my bed watching Sex Addiction Clinic with Dr Drew. What? 

Now it's off to work. Bye you guys. 

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