
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

In praise of left overs (AM)

Best ever burgers

Monday a week ago was Passover. And our Seder was full of delicious food. Everything was delicious of course. And it was a vegetarian meal which was very exciting to me because I could eat everything. But you know what was even more exciting. The meal I made with the left-over food. If you ever find yourself with left-over hasselback potatoes and some left-over eggplants with buttermilk sauce you may just be lucky enough to eat the best burger dinner of your life!

Hasselback potatoes are potatoes that have been sliced, but not all the way through, and then cooked in quite a bit of fat, salt, garlic and thyme. Before they go into an oven they may look like this. But it was something I heard Chickpea say at Seder that really got me thinking. "YUM! Potato and chips at the same time." YES! I thought. YES!

And so, when I found myself with some left-over hasselbacks and a plan to make burgers there was really only one option.

As for the burgers,  it was something I heard Frandonna say after the Seder that really got me thinking. Mum was trying to give me all the eggplant left-overs and I said, "What will I do with all this?" And Frandonna said, "Make burgers." Or I think she did. So of course there was only one option. Burgers. I just mushed up the eggplant flesh with an egg and breadcrumbs, and hey presto, the moistest deliciousest veggie burgers I've eaten in a long time. I'm pretty sure they would be as delicious made with a roast eggplant and some good seasonings.

You guys, this meal was so good. Not just the best left-over meal but just a really effing great meal. I ate it twice in one week, and frankly my mouth is watering just writing about it.

Next year in Jerusalem!

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