
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cinnamon Game Changers (AM)

I used to work at a prominent bakery franchise when I was younger. Back when bread was bread, which is to say it was white and square and sliced for either toast or sandwiches. This place also sold morning tea type treats like jam tarts, vanilla slice and of course a shitload of coffee scrolls. I don't know why people bought them. They were always so dry looking, and kind of big and overblown and not like the kind of delicious morsel you might really look forward to at morning tea time.

Anyway, spending time amongst so many unappealing coffee scrolls kind of turned me off the scroll completely. Occasionally I would see one in a recipe book and it would leave me feeling cold and uninspired. As more and more Scandinavian cookbooks came in to my life, so too did more and more scroll recipes. But it was always the same. I felt no interest. 

But then, Miguel brought Scandinavian style cinnamon scrolls to our Northern Delights dinner and everything changed. You should have tasted those babies. Bready in all the right places. Buttery in all the right places. Sugary and cinnamony in places I didn't even know about. Oh brother were they something else. I've thought about them ever since, and when Miguel sent the recipe, I knew it was just a matter of time before I made them mine. And last Sunday, when the weather was just right for proving dough, I made them. 

It was a piece of cake. 

First, you make a dough. 

Twas a very sticky dough. Then, you cover it with a tea towel and leave it in a warm place... 

...til it doubles in size. Then you roll it out flat  to about 80 centimetres. 

Next, you cover that baby with butter, cinnamon and sugar. 

You roll it up...

You turn that roll in to a bunch of scrolls which you let prove again. 

And you bake them until they look golden beauties oozing caramelised sugar and cinnamon. 

Such a piece of cake, right? 
But even if they weren't the taste would justify whatever labour they required. These babies are out of this world delicious. And a real game changer for me, making me think that scrolls are something I want in my life all the time. I hate it when recipes go on about how great your kitchen will smell when you cook something but seriously, these buns make your kitchen smell like heaven's oven, and it's part of what makes them so great. Just make them you guys. See if I'm wrong!

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