
Monday, June 25, 2012

The country life (PM)

Way to go, having such a great time in the face of such horrible art!
And way to go, Chickpea, on ingeniously using the Gaia themed workshop idea to spark people's interest in going away for the weekend.
She is like a magical pied piper, luring the people away from the city with the sound of her LOLs.

It just so happens that I went to the country this weekend too. With Neville, Scampy and Banana.
We didn't do any workshops but we did have a wonderful time.
Highlights included:

  • Friday night's dinner of rump steak with fried egg on top (I only want my steak like this now)
  • the multiple massages Banana gave me to fix my sore back (thanks Banana, you truly are the best)
  • the giant bathtub that soaked in all Saturday afternoon
  • Neville's purchase of packets of fun size Flake and Cherry Ripe, which I totally smashed
  • ongoing hilarity. 
Mate, I actually started thinking while I was away that we should start a Miss Soft Crab savings account and one day buy a weekend in the country. Don't you think that would rule?

1 comment:

  1. YES! We can have our library there!
