
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What's going on? (PM)

I  actually have a note about this very ad in the place where I take notes to remind me of things I want to talk about on Miss Soft Crab (my notebook). What I intended to say was that ad is ridiculous and that product is ridiculouser. A former supermodel saying a bunch of words in a terrible dress while her eyelashes look all caked on and clumpy? That makes me want to turn the television off, not buy a mascara.

But it does remind me of something hilarious I saw/heard on the weekend, which relates to this falsie phenomenon you have observed.

On Saturday night I went to the footy with Rumpy and a friend of his who's name starts with a P. Collectively, lets call them Pumpy. Anyway, there was a group of teens sitting in front of us. A bunch of boys having a nice night at the footy. Halfway through the first quarter, two girls joined them. They were probably 16 or so, and there were four distinguishing things about them.
1. Though looked exactly the same as one another, and I mean exactly. Not like twins or anything. More like teen girls who are wearing a look they got out of a magazine and don't yet know how to develop that. They were both  wearing tight blue jeans, white t-shirts and black leather jackets. They both had long dyed blonde hair.
2. They were both wearing false eyelashes that looked really really ridiculous. You could see these falsies from miles away and they kind of looked like mascara brushes. They were outrageous! Like Claudia said.
3. They were both faking their interest in football, I assume to impress these boys. At one point, St Kilda got a goal and one of them said "wow, it's such a rush when one of them gets a goal!". Um, at a St Kilda/Melbourne game? No, girls, no it's not.
4. At one point, one of the boys mentioned that he had eaten Mexican for dinner the night before. In response, one of the girls said "OMG! Nachos are my favourite food!"

Poor teenagers.

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