
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

WTF Wednesday (PM)

Oh, oh man, ads are THE WORST!
I'm glad you brought this up, because pretty much every time I watch TV I encounter an ad I want to pay out on. However, I'm pretty sure ads are like jokes in that when you hear one, you think you will totally remember it and can't wait to tell other people, but in fact you have already forgotten it and you pretty much have no hope of recalling it next time you need a joke. It turns out that when I'm not in front of a TV watching ads, I find it very hard to remember ads, so I've got nothing new here. But that Gaviscon one sure does sound dumb! And those Helga's Sandwich Thins makes me think that by the time that product got to the advertiser's desk, the damage was done. Bread that is more like a stale pitta so you can put more sandwich in it? That is a solution begging for a problem. It offers nothing that a person who likes sandwiches couldn't have provided for themselves with a little experimentation. Trust me, Helga's,  if a person really wants more sandwich in your sandwich, they will figure out a way, and ideally that way will not require bread sacrifice. Idiots.

While we're on the topic of things that make you go WTF?, consider this photo that was on
The Sartorialist yesterday with the heading: Layered Knits.

As you can see, this gentleman has layered the shit out of some knits. Obviously this is very confronting, so I'll give you all a moment to collect yourselves.

OK, personally, I like a knit, and the thought of layering knits to achieve some kind of state of mega-warmth, well lets just say me likey. However, WTF is with the fact that this guy is also holding a knit? Dude, are you worried that we are not going to understand that you are experimenting with extreme knit-wearing, what with your DOUBLE KNITTED CARDIGAN deal, one of which is a CHUNKY KNIT? We get it, guy, we totally get it. You look like Linus, carrying that thing around, give it a friggen rest.

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