
Monday, April 16, 2012

Sounds like my Friday night (AM)

Oh, hi guys!

How was everyone's weekend? Great I hope! Mine wasn't. Sure it started out good, enjoying a beer with Mickey ‘Mikey Doubleword’ Blue Eyes while Biz played records but by the middle of Friday night I was sweating with a fever and aching in my bones. A nasty effing cold. Did something happen between the beer and the onset of a cold? Yep. Dinner at the RSL.

What? Yeah, it was weird. LB picked me up from the train station and we were going to get a burger from Grill'd. Which we don't even like that much, we were just being lazy. But we had to park the car around the corner, just past the RSL and as we walked past that RSL we had a glance and then another and then, then we just decided to walk in.

The weirdness started pretty much immediately. Of course you could argue it started with our decision to have dinner at the RSL. We were standing at the reception figuring out how to sign in when a young and friendly employee bounded up to help, he was so friendly and helpful. Weird. Then we went into the dining room and as we were deciding where to sit another young friendly guy bounded up, "Table for three?" he asked, "Sit anywhere you like." Hey, thanks for confirming guy.

The toilets had the reassuring smell of a side-of-the-road-motel room and David Bowie was playing on the sound system. I loved it!

There was not a single vegetarian thing on the menu so I ordered fish and chips. And 50 minutes later it came out. I tried to break off a small piece of fish for Baby but it was like trying to break a pencil. A thick frozen pencil. That isn't what fish should be like. It took a second or two for me to figure out that the fish was still frozen in the middle. It seemed so wrong with the deep fried batter and soft outer layer of fish, but there was no denying that fish was frozen solid. The waiter was pretty horrified when I told him. I don't know what I was more upset about. The fact that my dinner was frozen or when I told the guy "the fish is still frozen" that it seemed like a normal sentence. And let me tell you that when my dinner came out again cooked properly I had pretty much had no appetite.

As we were finishing up our "food" an old guy came over. Not super old. Like my Dad's age. He asked Baby "Can I draw you a train?" So he took my notebook and drew a picture for Baby. Turned out this guy was once a typographer but in 1979 when barcodes came in he moved into the barcode making business and had been doing it ever since. Also turned out this guy was secretary of the club. He was a nice guy. Told us they were really trying to establish the dining room, build up the clientele, asked us if we enjoyed our meal, hoped we'd be back. He was really nice, so we just told him we'd had a great time. Which was not entirely a lie.

An hour later I passed out. Two hours after that later I woke up sweating and in pain.

Frozen pencils and heavy sweating?! Sounds like my Friday night!


  1. As well as being sorry to hear that you were unwell over the weekend, I'm totally devvo that you had a shitty meal from that RSL. Their (meat) meals are always so comforting, like they've been cooked by a lovely nana.

    God. I just feel so :(

    1. I wanted it to be comforted as if by a lovely nana. I wish I had told Vin that they should add a vegetarian lasagne to the menu.

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