
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WTF? Wednesday (AM)

So on the weekend I was in the Myer toy department. It's a great place to take Baby because there are all these giant toys, like giant Elmo, giant Big Bird, giant Thomas the Tank. It's like a theme park but for free.

Anyways I was there just trying to have a nice day with Baby but kept beng distracted by all these ridculous toys! WHAT THE EFF?!?! I kept askng myself. And I really had to say eff 'cause I was in a toy department.

First there was 'My first ATM'.

What the fuck?? How is that fun? A fucking ATM? That's not fun. How would you even play with that? They are big, like the size of a toddler and there was a whole shelf of them. Are people buying them? WTF???

Then, just as I was getting over the effing toy ATM I saw the new Barbie. Video Girl Barbie. It's a video and a Barbie. WHAT? Yeah, you see that black dot on her chest? It's a 'necklace' and a camera.

What the eff, guys? What the eff?!

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