
Monday, March 19, 2012

Internet, I don't even recognise you anymore (AM)

So I had what I thought was a pretty great idea. I was going to write a post called 'On this day'* and I was going to find hilarious emails that K and I had written to each other on this day in years gone by. But by some perverse twist of fate it seems as if we have never written hilarious emails to each other on March 19th. I know, it makes no sense. At least there are none that are still in my email account anyways. What I learned though, by looking through old correspondence, is that the Internet has changed. That is, things that were there aren't there anymore. For example see this email exchange between K and me from May 2008.

ME: Hi mate. I am home sick today, i must get better before Saturday. Luckily though I have had a very productive day already having found some delights of youtube:
K: Mate, that first one is so hilarious I could weep. The second is also wonderful, however the song accompanying the first takes my breath away. Hahahaha. Kudos to you mate. You know, I was thinking about that hilarious Boreanaz calendar you bought me just last night. I saw an ad for Bones and naturally my mind wandered to a less puffy version of Boreanaz. Such a good one. Its  a good idea that you are home sick today. As you noted, you must play this week very carefully. I hope you are not feeling too bad. How are you feeling, my friend? Are you going to watch Dr Phil? I wonder what he is talking about today...

THE FIRST VIDEO WAS SO HILARIOUS SHE COULD WEEP!!! Did you click that link??? Video no longer available! Forever, what I can only assume was a hilarious montage of David Boreanaz pictures set to music, is gone! Doesn't it make you upset???

Then there was this gmail chat I had with 'D' in February 2009 . This website still exists (and I encourage you to look at the photo gallery - the hedgehog is my favourite)  but it clearly has had a facelift.

Me: nice coat. not as handsome as my special guy
D: bit fat headed
Me: yeah. and how about that expression.
D: see the domain animal rentals!  red setter escort happy endings guaranteed!
Me: I know. I was just looking at it. creepy. i think that boxer would know how to have a good time though
D: very provocative stance. check out the bust on that Hunter
Me: PHWOAR. I thinkthat Wrapper may have been in the business way too long.
D: well haggard
Firstly, I don't think they still have a section called "Poochies" and secondly the pictures no longer look like they are pimping pets in quite the same way. 

At least some things are constant. Please click this link sent to me in December 2010.

D: The handstand is the worst

Me: When I read that I was all, "wow, i can't believe I never did a handstand when I was pregnant" and then I saw that photo and, well, I... I have nothing

Yes, the  handstand is still the worst.

*On this day in 1955 Bruce Willis was born. Happy birthday Bruce Willis.

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