
Friday, March 16, 2012

Beware the Ides of March(AM)

So as we all know, yesterday was the Ides of March which naturally got me thinking about The Gos. 

For the longest time, I have not understood why people love The Gos so damn much. It's a worldwide phenomenon that I can not comprehend.

I've tried to get on board. I've seen all his stupid films, but they did not help me understand the situation. I thought The Notebook sucked and I thought Blue Valentine blew.  

Crazy, Stupid, Love should have been called What, A, Piece, Of, Shit. 

I really don't get it.

Don't get me wrong. I get that he is pretty. I mean, Miss Soft Crab is not blind. Miss Soft Crab has eyes and can see that The Gos is pretty. Miss Soft Crab has uttered the odd phwoar! when watching a Gos film. But mainly, Miss Soft Crab is unmoved by The Gos and wonders why the heck everyone goes so apeshit for him. Why, readers, why?

Like I said, I was pondering this yesterday because it was the Ides of March. And also because I was home sick from work and watched Half Nelson on DVD. When it finished I thought to myself yep, I still don't get this whole Gos phenomenon. He's not for me. No sirree. He ain't no real hunk. He is just some pretty baby. That's all. The rest of the world can have The Gos. I'll take my hunks over The Gos any day. I bet that movie Drive isn't even that good.  Maybe I should go rent it and find out.

I don't know if it was the fever or what but by the time I roused myself from this internal monologue darkness had fallen and I realised I had been lying on the couch thinking about The Gos for a couple of hours.

What the eff is wrong with me, guys.  I think I love The effing Gos.

1 comment:

  1. I think you might get a little Gos boner if you see Drive and Lars and the Real Girl.
