
Monday, February 13, 2012

Good for you, Monday (PM)

The Bangles are totally hating on Monday in that song! Way to remind Monday how everyone hates it, Mate.

Poor Monday. For most people it means the end of the weekend and the start of 5 work days in a row. It would be so hard to overcome that kind of stigma. But you know, last night I dreamt I worked for an insurance company (what?) so alls I can say is, thank Christ Monday does not see me going off to work in insurance.

Also given that I only work Mondays and Fridays, Monday is actually the beginning of my long weekend. But I know that doesn't apply to most of you, so I'm saying it quietly.

I want to think of some other good things about Monday, but frankly, I got nothin'. I hope Monday's mum always told it that it was special, cause otherwise it's got no hope.


  1. Cheap Mondays?
    Cheap Mondays at the Nova?

    1. It's true. The jeans and the movies are both good things about Mondays
