
Monday, January 23, 2012

2012 begins in earnest

Happy 2012, Crab fans!

We really missed you guys. Have you all had a super summer?  We sure hope so.

Now, we're super excited about sharing a whole new year's worth of crabby moments with you, but first, lets talk about 2012: the year that has been for 23 days now. A lot of stuff can happen in 23 days, and you know we like to keep on top of things. So let's begin by reviewing what's been going down, just so we're all on the same page. Here we go guys, Miss Soft Crab, Season 2.

J: So mate, I want to start by saying I am really feeling refreshed after the break. For sure by the end of last year I needed a break. I mean you think you can produce all of this *waggles finger provocatively over blog* without out a little wear and tear? Uh uh.

Anyway I am pumped and inspired and I have the flowing juices #maystillbeonirahigh

So, how was your break and how are you feeling?

K: Breaks rule OK. Fact!
Truth be told though, I spent heaps of my MSC hiatus at work. What a downer that has been.

J: Yeah, if only Miss Soft Crab was our real work then we would have had super long and super awesome breaks. Stupid real jobs (don't hate me universe, I love employment please don't take it away from me).

But you did have a bit of a holiday from work and that was great right? And it is summer, the time if awesome times!

K: Good call on clarifying things with the universe, sometimes I really worry that it's going to get the wrong end of the stick. So let me now say to you universe: I find work a downer because its summertime and I like to have fun in the sun (subject to appropriate sun safety precautions...I'm very pale as you well know), but that doesn't mean that I'm not very grateful for this job because I totally am. I just really like the sun too. I mean come on universe, the sun is at the centre of you, surely you get it.

Anyway, work talk aside, I have had a top shelf break. I've eaten well. I've frolicked in the beach. I've frolicked in the pool where the pigeon in the grain waves incident happened. I saw Ira Glass in the flesh. Boy were my dreams sweet that night. 

J: Did you dream about Ira that night? I didn't. But I thought about him. A lot.

I frolicked at the beach too. In fact a summer highlight was wearing lipstick to the beach and even though I couldn't see what I looked like, in my head I looked awesome swimming in my beloved new bathers and bright red lipstick.

K: Ok, ok, I didn't dream about Ira. But my thoughts were pretty much were/are only of him. Take right now for example: it's all Ira up in my head. All Ira, all the time. God, what a peach he is.

Another one of my favourite things about the break was the Japanese themed progressive dinner I semi-hosted. There were your traditional items like gyoza, and miso soup, then  there were the special items like deconstructed nachos on rice and red bean crumble with green tea cream.

The upshot of that night is that deconstructed nachos on rice are as delicious as real nachos, but for me, green tea cream is not as delicious as green tea, or cream. 

J: So by deconstructed nachos on rice do you mean nacho topping on rice? Were corn chips involved? LB and I eat beans and rice (+lettuce+cheese+sour cream) sometimes. Had it just the other night. It is a winner every goddamn time. It was one of the first things that guy made for me.

Yum. HANG ON! That is not Japanese!


So another thing that was awesome and happened on my break was that I wore an outfit that totally brought into reality everything I fantasised my look for summer would be. Cool and cute and awesome!

Remember how every season Pickle would say to us "what are your key looks for <insert season here>?" And you know sometimes I have a vision and I have outfits that approximate that vision but then one Friday night in December I executed a look more accurately than I ever have before. It involved grey shorts and a white top and you guys, now that I have known what it is to look and feel this good everything I have worn since has left me dissatisfied. It's dangerous to fly too close to the sun.

K: It sure is mate. 

I remember that night, it was Miguel's birthday. You looked really great. I also had a nice time with what I was wearing on account of the fact that AWOL turned up wearing the same t-shirt as me and I really enjoy that kind of thing.

Hey, how good was the weather for that week where the weather was really good? 

J: Yeah, that was awesome. Weather is pretty nice right now in fact too. Summer is sweet when it gets it right. And in a way I didn't even mind those few cold days. Mainly because I enjoy getting to wear alternative season clothes sometimes to mix it up, you know. 

K: Oh sure. I can dig on that. But I also like to drink beer in the sun in a t-shirt on a Monday night. Which is what I plan to do tonight. Because fundamentally, I am a lazy girl, and summer is the season where you really don't have to work hard to have a good time. #thefairestoftheseasons

J: You said it. I love how summer means you can drink beer all the time and not feel like you shouldn't be (you know as long as you drink responsibly). My break did not involve much beer drinking, weirdly enough, but perhaps I will make that more of a focus for the rest of summer (you know responsibly). That is the other great thing about summer, it keeps on going well past your designated holiday time, which makes you kind of feel like you are still on holiday!

Now let 2012 begin!

1 comment:

  1. Happy new year Miss Soft Crab.

    K, FYI the sun is not at the centre of the universe, it's at the centre of the solar system. I thought you'd like to know.
