
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Complaint about movie titles (AM)

Because I don’t want to constantly complain about the state of modern cinema I am not even going to talk about Jack and Jill. About what a terrible state Adam Sandler’s career must be in for him not only star in,  but produce, a film in which he plays a man and his sister.


Surely playing two characters in a film is the begnning of the en. But, Adam Sandler, I am going to leave you alone. I’m going to leave Al Pacino alone too. Who plays himself in Jack and Jill as the guy that falls in love with Adam Sandler as a woman. (I know, right?!.) Even though Al Pacino is Al Pa-fucking-cino, I am just going to let that whole movie slide.

Instead I am going to talk about the state of movie titles. Are titles getting green-lighted in the mail room while the big wigs are out to lunch? Or have the big wigs decided that the state of film-going is what it is and it doesn’t matter a damn what a movie is called? I want answers.

Recently I saw a preview for a film called Man on a Ledge. Sam Worthington is in it. And I say yes, a resounding YES, to more Sam Worthington, but you need to do more than Man on a Ledge to get me to pay money to see that film (thank god for free downloading right?!)


Do you guys know what this film is about? It’s about a man. On a ledge. Yep, Sam Worthington can pretty much stand anywhere he likes and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be hot. But, geez, why don’t you keep me guessing a bit, movie guys. Like, if Worthington is going to stand on a ledge all movie maybe it would be even hotter if it was unexpected. Like if I was thinking, “Gee, Worthington is hot, I can’t wait for him to come on screen, I wonder what he will… WHOA! Is he on a ledge?! Man, that is so DANGEROUS. AND HOT!” Instead I will just be all “well I guess it will be pretty hot when Worthy gets on that ledge. Yep, there he is. Just as hot as predicted. No more or less hot. And I guess this will be as hot as it gets.”

On a tram that goes past me when I am on my way to work I see a poster for a film called We Bought a Zoo. Now I don't know anything about this film. But what I am guessing is that it is about a family that buys a zoo.

Oh, so while you were looking at that vomit-inducing movie poster I went and had a quick look at IMDB. Hey, guess what. That movie is about a guy. He buys a zoo.

To be fair that poster made me think that Scarlett Johansson played the wife, but she plays the head zoo keeper. So word up to the poster guys who know how to keep a little mystery alive.


  1. In the US the poster for the zoo movie is a totally different. I didn't even know that Matt Damon and Scarlett blah blah were in this movie until I saw the Australian poster. Still-rumours have it that this movie is sucks donkeys…but even if it wasn't, I guess the moral is to not judge a movie by it's poster-but if you do, you will probably be right…wait, what?

  2. The original ledge man:

  3. Firstly, that guy on a ledge is totally tripping me out!

    Secondly, in my google image search for the We bought a Zoo poster I saw some other poster images. It made me think that maybe ScarJo and Matt Damon were trying not to be associated with the movie with the stupid name.
