
Friday, October 14, 2011

The present question

I used to be a really good present buyer. I am pretty sure I was really good. Like, I knew what people would like and I would buy it for them and give it to them in a timely fashion. You were probably on the receiveing end once or twice, right mate? Not recently though. I was good at it but then something happened. I lost my mojo. Maybe when my friends started turning 30 or something and there was all this pressure. I don't know, but I just lost it.

Meanwhile, LB has gotten really good at buying presents. For me at least. When we started going out he was not that good. He had some good ideas but he would never have birthday presents for me on my birthday. He would tell me what he was thinking of buying me then make me go shopping with him. It was fine. I am not complaining, just saying.

Anyway, now he is really good. For my birthday this year he got me TWO awesome presents. Two kind of expensive things I really wanted. A couple of days ago for no reason other than he found them at an op shop he came home with two great pots for me. This great Le Creuset frypan.

And this pyrex baby to replace a recent, heartbreaking loss.

Lucky me, right? But it is LB's birthday in a few weeks and I do not know what the eff I am going to get him. Why does he have to be such a great gift giver goddamnit? It is very possible that it is because I covet more stuff so he just has to buy me a thing I covet. He just wants a VW Passat and zodiac boat but my coveting covers a broad, more affordable spectrum. So really I am making it easy for him. God, why can't he just want heaps of stuff, like me?!

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