
Monday, October 10, 2011

Oh, what brings you here?

I know we have written about this before, remember? That guy that asked Google where is missing finger was?! HAHAHA! Shit. I shouldn't laugh. I mean, maybe that guy lost a finger. I'm sorry guy. Anyway, Google brought him (I assume it was a man but that is totally sexist. I was once taught cheese making by a woman who had one or more half fingers) here.

Do you know what else has brought people to this here site? Other than Ewan McFuckingGregor (no disrespect to Ew.Mc, but seriously people move on)? Well we will get that in a minute. I will stick with Ewan for a minute. In the last month 6 of the 10 most used search phrases that lead people here are Ewan related. Including "Ewan McGregor eyes" and "Ewan McGregor trainspotting smiling". HAHA. These phrases have brought people here more than once! I'm pretty sure that if you get a picture of Ewan his eyes will be included. But this is not quite as good as a recent favourite, "Michael Fassbender sitting". I like to imagine a woman out there just thinking, "That Fassbender is so hot. I love it when he sits." And then she Googles that. Again, I am totally making sexist assumptions but it's my imagination in my heterosexual brain living in a heterodominant society. I'll imagine Fassbender fans however I want goddamnit!

Anyways, of course with all this Ewan traffic there is not much room for anything else but one search term that appeared a few times was "Sarah Michelle Gellar looks like Barbra Streisand". I love this because because SMG turned up here once and then Babs turned up here totally separately and now this ludicrous search sends people our way. Thanks Google.

Now, as you know from last Friday Miss Soft Crab knows a thing or two about celebrity doppelgangers and as you may also know SMG is not Babs' doppelganger. In fact when you ask Google Images about it you get things like this:

No, Google Images, I said Sarah Michelle Gellar. That's Jennifer Aniston you idiot!

That's still Jennifer Aniston. But why is she doing that Barbra Streisand pose?

Jesus, Aniston, this is getting embarrassing.

Seriously Google Images, don't you have any pictures of SMG and Babs?


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