
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mama Mia!

Um...I kind of want to see the movie Mama Mia.


  • I have been sitting at a 'hot desk'* again and there is a postcard of the movie poster stuck up next to it. (I KNOW! Isn't this movie 5 years old or something?) And my computer wasn't working for a long time so I had a lot of time to stare at this postcard. (That is how this crazy thing started.)
  • I like Colin Firth quite a lot.
  • There is an episode of 30 Rock where Jack Donaghy realises his father isn't his real father but it is actually one of three other dudes and Liz gets really excited about Mama Miaing him. (And since I follow Alec Baldwin on Twitter now I think about 30 Rock even more than I used to - and that was already HEAPS.)
  • Greece looks real pretty.
BUT I also feel conflicted about this because:
  • I hate ABBA a little bit
  • Initially the movie of this movie seemed ridiculous and repulsive.
  • Ugh, Amanda Seyfried
I wonder which part of me will win?!?!

*Actually it is technically my desk but the person who used to sit there has not fully moved so all her stuff is still there. Maybe I just wanted to use this term which I had never heard before and don't actually think is a thing.

1 comment:

  1. Watch Mamma Mia online free on los movies now. My first thought upon leaving the movie was, "Can I get the last two hours of my life back?" Turns out, I can't - so I wrote this review instead to tell others what the movie's faults (and qualities) are so maybe you won't make the same mistake as I did.

    The movie starts out like a teen summer romance with upbeat musical numbers, but quickly descends from there. The teen-aspect is almost immediately dominated by a group of 50's+ old women acting like bratty 15+ teenie-boppers, talking about how much sex they're having (or not having). Between the over-acting of Julie Walters and main character Amanda Seyfried (who does manage to be cute in the rare moments when she isn't straight up annoying) to the unconvincing acting of Meryl Streep, there just aren't any characters lovable enough to make the viewer care what happens next.

    See more: Watch 132movies free.
