
Friday, September 30, 2011

The Learning Atelier

J: So I think it is fair to say that we pretty much loved the shit out of our Shu Uemura Learning Atelier, right? Pretty hard not to love a thing conducted by someone as adorable as Yumi and after which we look super pretty right?

Say hello, Yumi!
K: Perhaps we should describe what the Shu Uemura Learning Atelier is. Basically it is a two hour make-up lesson from a skilled professional make-up artist who is also a really nice lady - Yumi.

Yumi really had her work cut out for her, because neither of us really know what we are doing when it comes to wearing the make up. Of course we've worn make up before. But just because we've done it, doesn't mean we know what we are doing. I mean, I've swum breast stroke a bunch of times, doesn't mean I have the first clue about technique. Anyway, we took the lesson because we wanted to learn some things. The kinds of things that could support the groom quest. We started at the very beginning, because its a very good place to start. Yumi cleaned our faces with nice smelling stuff. Then she put the equivalent of a base coat on us. This product is really just meant to even out your skin tone a little bit, and sit underneath foundation.

She pretty much could have stopped there, because with just the base
coat we looked kind of awesome.

J: I know! Already so evenly toned and beautiful! I actually think, though, that once the foundation was on, even though we looked so pretty, I felt like my face was too even. I know, it sounds crazy, but I guess I felt a bit weird about going from normal face to one-tone face. I wonder if I hadn't had the base on I would have been more inclined to buy foundation afterwards. Well I guess I will just have to try your foundation and see.

So once we had those beautiful faces we went to the eyes, right? I really liked how Yumi started with the subtle daytime eye and graduated to night time eye. So we could see every type of eye.

Remember how Yumi was all, "oh, some girls want to have a sexy smoky eye, you know. They are like sexy, party girls, but that's not you guys." Um, maybe that is us!

Liquid eyeliner. Don't be afraid.

K: I've been noticing everyone's make-up since we got our lesson, particularly 'sexy party girls'. I think Yumi totally had us pegged as non 'sexy party girls'. However, whether we became non-sexy party girls by choice, or whether we had non-sexy party girl thrust upon us is a different matter.

You know, one of the other things I learnt from the Shu Uemura Learning Atelier? The importance of applying stuff to my face in an upwards direction. Apparently if you slap stuff on your face with a downward sweeping motion, gravity will appreciate your help and you will look like a shar pei in no time at all. Undesirable. If you sweep upwards, gravity will get no leg up from you.

The Shu Uemura Learning Atelier also taught me how to use liquid eyeliner. That stuff has always seemed like more trouble than it is worth. But the Shu Uemura liquid eyeliner is super easy to use and looks so neat on the eyelid.

So neat.
J: YES! Upwards direction. Every time I apply moisturiser or anything else to my face with that upwards direction I feel like it is lifting and prettyfying my face. I am starting to think that this grooming caper is at least 60% placebo effect. But I don't even care. Whatever works.
The liquid eyeliner makes you look beautiful. I also like how I learnt that just because I am attracted to a thing that doesn't mean I should wear it. Like, there was this sparkly red eyeshadow that I could not take my eyes off. And I asked Yumi if she thought I could wear it but she told me my red skin tone would not be enhanced (I'd look fug) by the red eyeshadow. Sadly, I know she was right. But it was good having her tell me because otherwise I probably would have tried it even though I knew it wouldn't suit me. It's yet another grooming issue I have.

Let's all just stick to what suits us, shall we?

Oh, and I also loved how Yumi drew those pictures for us to help us remember what the hell we are doing!
Real life demonstration of learning

Yumi's drawings

K: I know, I loved that too! I also took notes during the lesson, because sometimes I don't remember things that I have just been told. Here are some of the very helpful notes I took.

Sure, it seems simple, but its already proved quite helpful.

Feel free to use my notes, guys.

All in all, the Shu Uemera Learning Atelier was completely awesome.
Thanks J and Yumi!

J: Yeah! Thanks Yumi, I am so much prettier now! And thanks K.

Oh, and GO CATS!

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