
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Work can be fun

That sounds like a nice enough first day.

And I love the art on your hot desk.

(At my work, if someone is working at a desk that does not belong to them, we say they are working at a 'hot desk'. Sometimes we say they are 'hot desking'. Is that a thing?)

I for one can't wait to hear more about your workplace as you settle in and get to know it better. I love stories about others peoples' work. The dumb rules. The weird things.

You know, just the other day, Coco was telling me about an hilarious thing that happened at her work. She works at a massive Commonwealth bureaucracy we'll call the DEF. Like all massive Commonwealth bureaucracies, the DEF needs to watch what it spends. To this end, all staff were recently sent an email that said something like:

The DEF supplies tea and coffee facilities for all stuff, including fresh milk each day. This milk is not to be used for other purposes, such as putting on breakfast cereal.
If staff continue to use milk for other purposes, the DEF will consider discontinuing the supply of milk.

OK, I'm totally paraphrasing here, but that was the substance of the message. Stop putting the milk on your cereal, or will will stop supplying it.
HAHAHA. Good luck stopping people using milk on their breakfast cereal, DEF! Eating breakfast at work is one of the things that gets people out of bed and in to work!
Apparently a major uproar ensued, which led to the union getting involved and eventually the management had to back down. Now people at the DEF can use milk however they want. Hooray!

I also love stories about the weird co-workers.

Say, have I ever told you about Bobby two-times? One of my weird co-workers?
He always answers questions twice. Par example:
K: "Hey Bobby, how are you going with that task I gave you before?"
BX2"Not bad. Not bad."

K: "Bobby, is there any paper in tray 2 of the copier?"
BX2: "A little bit. A little bit."

I'm pretty sure people make up questions to ask him, just to see if he will do it and he never disappoints.

I can't wait to hear about your work's weird stuff mate!

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