
Friday, August 12, 2011


TGIF everybody. Though, truth be told, I felt like it should have been Friday yesterday. But at least it is Friday today.

Here are some things that happened this week.

A funny thing
On the tram, on the way to the footy last Sunday I overhead this conversation between two tweens.
Tween1: "What's that really big thing? Is that the MCG?"
Tween2: "OMG, yes! And that's Rod Laver Arena where I saw Taylor Swift!!!
Tween1: "OMG! Is that where Miley Cyrus was too?"
Tween2: (sounding slightly dismissive) "I don't know. My Dad wouldn't let me see her because he thinks she is a skank."

An awesome thing
I paid off my HECS debt at long last! When my next pay cheque comes through, I am totally going to spend the shit out of the extra money! I am going to buy things I want but don't need, like headphones and a stick blender.

Another awesome thing
I finished watching season 3 of True Blood, aka Sexual Vampires. Bill is such a dickhead! Eric Northman forever!

A disappointing thing
I had an awesome dream last night. I woke up from it in the middle of the night thinking that was awesome, I am totally going to blog about this tomorrow but then when my alarm went off this morning, I couldn't remember a thing. I assume it involved food or hunks, but I'm just guessing.

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